New- need advice | Arthritis Information



I am new here, but have been diagnosed with RA for 4 years.  I have been so lucky in that I immediately went on plaquenil and bextra (since changed to salsalte) and was completely under control this entire time.  I didn't ever have stiffness, swelling, pain etc.  Well, now I'm in a full flare and will be going to the RA Dr. tommorrow.  I'm sure he will want to put me on metho or avarra and both TERRIFY me!  I have an extremely sensitive tummy and asthma.  Ina ddition, it seems every medication I have ever taken results in me having some type of side effect!

If given the choice which one should i choose?  The metho scares me beacuse of the lung complication along with my asthma.  However, haven't people died from avarra andthe FDA was thinking of taking it off the market not too long ago?


Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Hey Poof,

I just this minute took my first dose of MTX. I'll let you know how it goes. I wouldn't say the medicine terrifies me, but it's pretty harsh. I would say, if it sends the RA into remission, or keeps it under control, it's worth it. I don't have asthma, but I am prone to bronchitis, and I am on Prilosec - and have been for over a year - for stomach issues. So, I'm a good test case for you.
I have been on both mtx and arava. Mtx messed with my stomach more
but arava made my hair extremely brittle and thin. I am currently back on
mtx-we'll have to see how it goes...

Hi Poof,

 I got diagnosed with ra a year and a half ago but probably had it for the 8 years before, if not longer.  Like you I am allergic to everything, especially medications including penicillin, sulfa, and all nsaids, Needless to say I was not happy about going on the heavy duty medications ra requires.  I had been diagnosed earlier with OA and could not take anything except tylenol.  I am now on prednisone, plaquanil, methetrexate and enbrel.  The methetrexate is difficult but can be tollerated especially if taken with folic acid. It got my inflamation down considerably.  I can only handle 7.5mg which I space out 3 times a day on Fridays.  Some people prefer to take it all at once at night but it hit me too hard.I am adjusting to the metetrexate.  I take enbrel which has fewer side effects than some of the other biologics.  I get a site reaction but it has lessened over time .  Good luck.Remember you are the one ultimately taking these medications and you have a say in which ones you take.  You'll need to have a running dialogue with your doctor until you find out what works for you and what you can tolerate.  It's different for everybody. If I can do it with all my srug allergies, so can you.

Hi and Welcome. I have been on MTX for about 6 weeks. I chose the injections to minimize nausea, but I take nausea medication with my weeklly dose anyways just in case. I have not had any resp. problems even though I have RAD and chronic bronchitis.  I was really nervous at first too. In fact, I only took half of the dose the first time just to be on the safe side. Good luck!

Never had any problems on mtx from the get-go.  Been on it for 1-1/2 years.

