Anyone been on Orencia more than 3 years | Arthritis Information


Just wanted to know if anyone has been on Orencia more than 3 years.

I started back in 06 but was taken off in 2008.  I'm back on Orencia as of 2010.  It helps but does not take away all pain and stiffness.  The question is how long can you be on this biologic?  5 years, 10 years 15 years?  And what would it do to your body?
RA 15 years
Meds Orencia, Prednisone, Iron, Vitamin C, D. Calcium
I never made it past the loading dose until I came down with an URI that hospitalized me for 4 days in Feb.  Right now I'm waiting to see my RD to talk about choices.  I may go on some of the older RA meds - Arava, Plaquenil.  My story isn't everyone else's story and I know Orencia works for many people.  I've also wondered how long you can stay on the biologics.  Some people have been on them from the very beginning.  LindyI was on it for only two years, mainly because it stopped working, not because of side effects. The last year I was on it, I was getting 1,000 mg every two weeks. I have a friend that has been on Remicade for 8 years, and still going strong, without side effects. I have to think that as long as you are not having side effects, and that your liver enzymes are normal, that you can stay on it indefinitely. Definitely a question for your Doctor though!