So This Rash | Arthritis Information


 I am about to go full throttle buggy! I have had a rash for about a week. I quit taking two meds a few days ago. Well off of the Omnicef three days and I quit taking the Singulair two days ago.

At first I was just itchy no rash. Then the rash came on slowly. It was in little patches about my thighs and on my knee caps.
So by the time I had had my fill of it and stopped the Omnicef I had finished it anyway but the last pill was the breaking point. Then I thought thank goodness I am done. Took the Singulair thinking that would help.
Well my knee caps went crazy with hives. That is mostly this weeks battle. My temp has been off. Cold when I should be hot as it has been warm the past few days. Not getting my regular sleep because I am itching to the point of leaving bruises and scabs.
Really it is patchy and not bad looking except for the damage I have done to myself itching. Scattered hives here and there. So if I get to sleep then the allergy and pills and what not ware off and I am up shortly after going out of my mind.
Surely tomorrow will be better? So I looked up the two meds I think are most likely causes and according to the world wide web they should be out of my bloodstream yesterday at least. Maybe they are in my fat cells still?
I do not know? If a med is supposed to leave the bloodstream after about thirty hours yet it takes two or three days at least to start working because it has to get into your system. How does that work?
I would think then that it would be in your system for two or three days? My opinion. The opinion of the rash for sure.
It is not so drastic that it is life or death just oh so uncomfortable. It is not as bad as it was still my mind has had it's fill of the torture.
Well I certainly hope that my guess is correct in one of the things I quit taking?
Pain wise not so bad. Some pain here and there but I can deal with it. No signs of infection yet.
So I took a vitamin C 1000 mg. allergic to Oranges and rose hips. I eat alot of fruit just not Oranges. V-C is a natural antihystamine. I can do bell peppers for natural vitamin c.
When the pollen count gets high I eat onions. So it is said that onions and garlic are good for allergies. I am allergic to garlic so I just do the onions. The onions go well with steamed with zuchini. Some times I eat them raw but I get more quanity if I steam them with zuchini my favorite.
Maybe my onion has worn off. I have no idea how long an onion stays in your system or what the half life of an onion is?
Do not  take advise from me because I am a mess. I just have my copeing mechanisms. Sometimes I eat raw onions and green peppers sliced up and mixed to get some real tears flowing to clean out my eyes.
Eye drops just can not get as deep of a clean feelling in my eyes as real tears.
So with the Sjorgren's I sometimes get too dry to take the entire antihytamine so I wondered if it was alright to cut my Tavist in half. It was late and I could not call anyone to ask so I looked it up.
Several vets suggested that you could give a dog half of or a whole Tavist. Hey a vet good enough for me. So just copeing trying to survive. If I was in bad shape I would take the whole pill and go to the eroom. Just trying to avoid getting thrush from an overly dry mouth.
I like Tavist because a half or a whole pill stays in my system 12 hours. So as the Singulair is leaving my system because it is a great allergy med, [I am not for certain if that is what I am allergic to or not?] well the half of the pill is providing less comfort.
I am trying to narrow things down and see what is the culprit. I have taken both of these meds in the past without problems of this nature. I guess if the rash continues for any length of time I will look for another probable cause. The only true cure for an allergy is to avoid the culprit of course.
I would not be safe in a plastic bubble with air and water. My body would adapt and reject the plastic ,the air and the water. I would be looking for a new enviornment after a few months or a few years if lucky.
Thank you for letting me keep my hands busy typing while the meds kick in. LOL It is hard to itch if you are typing.
I hope you are all well.
Much better. I had forgotten when I took the pill. So anyway I had waited to long was all. My dog pill and vitamin - C are working fabulously and quickly. Hopefully I can get some sleep.
Wishing you all a restful night.
Milly, an itch!!  I think the "itchies" have to probably be the most maddening thing possible!  Especially when it's difficult to work out the why - when you are on so many meds, must be nigh on impossible to sift through it.  I hope you get relief really soon, and get a good night's rest at the very least! The hug is for the part that you may have that's not itchy!!While finding  the cause is the most important, have you tried an Aveeno bath to help with the itching?  My son had hives for about 2 months straight when he was a newborn.  The Aveeno packets are very gentle and provided some relief.
Hope you feel better.
