Blueberries May Inhibit Development of Fat Cells | Arthritis Information


Newswise — Washington, DC—The benefits of blueberry consumption have been demonstrated in several nutrition studies, more specifically the cardio-protective benefits derived from their high polyphenol content. Blueberries have shown potential to have a positive effect on everything from aging to metabolic syndrome. Recently, a researcher from Texas Woman’s University (TWU) in Denton, TX, examined whether blueberries could play a role in reducing one of the world’s greatest health challenges: obesity.

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Lynn492011-04-11 07:23:30Blueberries are a great antioxident and a good food. As a natural food it is slightly acid but still a good food. Bear in mind that these piece meal additives will do nothing since massive amounts of nutrition needs to be put into the body for a prolonged period and blueberries by themselves will do little to nothing.