Tart Cherries May Reduce Inflammation | Arthritis Information


Tart cherries have a unique combination of powerful antioxidants that may help reduce risk factors for heart disease, according to new research presented at the Experimental Biology annual meeting in Washington, DC.

In a series of three studies, researchers from University of Michigan, University of Arizona and Brunswick labs studied the antioxidant levels and anti-inflammatory benefits of tart cherries. They found:

The Power of Eating RED

This is the latest in a growing body of science linking cherries to protection against heart disease and inflammation. Previous research from the University of Michigan revealed that cherry-enriched diets in animals lowered multiple risk factors for heart disease, from lowering total blood cholesterol levels to reducing total
body weight and fat, in particular the "belly fat" that is most often associated with heart disease risk .4,5 The University of Michigan researchers, using a "whole food" approach, also found the cherry-enriched diets reduced not only overall body inflammation, but inflammation at key sites (belly fat, heart) known to affect heart disease risk in obese, at-risk rats.6

Researchers attribute the benefits to anti-inflammatory, antioxidant compounds in the red fruit called anthocyanins, also responsible for cherries' bright red color. In addition to heart heath benefits, research also suggests cherries could affect inflammation related to muscle recovery post-workout and

I recently read that an 8oz glass of tart cherry juice at night tells the brain it is getting dark and its time to sleep!  I have been having sleep problems for some time now so was doing some research when I came across this info, I'll see if I can find the info to post here.

Plus, I love tart cherries! [QUOTE=waddie]I recently read that an 8oz glass of tart cherry juice at night tells the brain it is getting dark and its time to sleep!  I have been having sleep problems for some time now so was doing some research when I came across this info, I'll see if I can find the info to post here.

Plus, I love tart cherries! [/QUOTE]
I'd sure be interested in reading that article!
I love tart cherries too I'd also be interested in reading that article if you come across it again. I have a tough time turning my brain off at night, and sometimes lay there for a couple of hours before falling asleep. I'm not so much a fan of tart cherries, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do! Okay, here it is:
This is actually where I first read about it:
I like Dr. Weil, it always seems to me to be common sense solutions.  I went on to read some of the comments and some using tart cherry juice report having blood sugar spikes, so if this is an issue, talk to your doctor.   The brand they mention here is not available to me so I drink R.W. Knudsen's tart cherry juice.  Disclaimer:  I am in no way advertising any particular brand, this is just the one available to me and it is organic, which I prefer.

On a strictly personal note, I cannot take the newer sleep meds due to headaches, so I have been drinking the tart cherry juice.  I believe it helps me and I do notice a difference when I run out but even if it didn't, I love the juice and would drink anyway! Thanks for the article Waddie! I'm definitely going to try it. I have a prescription for Ambien, but like yourself, I always wake up with a headache when I take it. Where do you buy your tart cherry juice? I don't think I've ever seen it in the grocery store. Maybe some place like Whole Foods, or Sprouts? I buy mine at Whole Foods and because they are so far away from me, I talked the store manager into a price break for the purchase of a case.  I also have gotten it at H.E.B. Central Market, but I don't think they are available across the US.  I have read you can buy the supplement, but I prefer the juice, called Just Tart Cherry.  I'm pretty stingy with my juice, glaring at anyone who would just drink it to have something to drink! 
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