Orencia Questions | Arthritis Information


Hi Everyone,

Just wondering if anyone has experience taking Orencia, maybe could tell me how they did on it, side affects etc? Any advice?  I of course pull up the horror stories with every med and am trying to STOP doing that.
I'm a little nervous with the whole "infusion" part of it. I've tried Enbrel and Humira (which worked great by the way, but side affects not good) . Dr. said it would be stupid to put me on another biologic with the neurologic symptoms I have with these drugs. He said Orencia hasn't been known to have any neurologic side affects so we are trying that.
I've been taking Orencia for quite a while.  I've never had any bad side effects.  The infusion is pretty quick when compared to the other biologics.  It only takes about 1/2 hr for the med.  The appointment itself usually takes about 1 1/2 hrs since they have to get the IV started and order the med.  I have a port which also takes a bit longer since not all the nurses know how to access one.  One benefit is that they should be able to collect blood for your bloodwork then and hopefully save you a trip to the lab.
I hope this med ends up being the one that works for you!
Hi Kelly! I took Orencia for two years with absolutely no side effects. I was on the maximum dose of 1000 mg, and for the last year I was on it, I got my infusions every two weeks. The only reason I went off of it was because it totally stopped working for me. I tend to develop antibiodies to all the biologics I've taken, which eventually renders them ineffective.

Like Rebecca said, the actual infusion time is only 30 minutes, but the whole process took me about two hours...registering in admitting, starting IV, ordering and delivery from pharmacy.

Good luck with it, and be sure and let us know how it goes!
Kelly, I've been on Orencia for nearly 2 years now and I have not had any problems with it.  I go to the infusion lounge, they start the IV, draw blood straight from that and then start the meds, I'm usually only there for 45 minutes.  It's a breeze.
My symptoms have stayed under control with very minimal flare up.  Good luck!
Kelly of all the drugs I have been on, this one was the least scary for me. I have been on 1000mg once a month for almost a year. The only thing I have after an infusion is I am really tired for a few days. I still hurt and have really bad pain but it is better than before Orencia. I will have to say some months are better than others, meaning I get more relief with some of my infusions than others.
I have noticed how some are having infusions twice a month. I spoke with my doctor about this and he said insurance would not pay for infusion less than 4 weeks a part. How do you get them twice a month? I think I would do so much better if I could get them like that...
ithurts...I PM'd you! Thanks you guys, I really appreciate it. This does help take away some of my anxiety. My first infusion is this Friday.Good luck Kelly...let us know how you do! I was on Orencia for a little over a year.  Before I go further, please remember that everyone's different and they can have different side effects.  While I was taking Orencia I had severe headaches that would last for at least three days, but the infusion was a breeze.  The nurses would give me fluids with my infusion and that seemed to help.  The key is to make sure that you're very hydrated (hydration also helps when they put the IV in).  My body has a hard time with medications, so you probably won't experience what I did. 
I hope it goes well for you!  Good luck and hydrate!
Hi Kelly! Just wondering if you've had the Orencia infusion yet, and how it went?

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