hospitalized for RA/organ involvement? | Arthritis Information


I'm wondering if anyone here has been hospitalized with RA or complications that can develop in the organs. I have cardiomyopathy/congestive heart failure and I'm not sure of any increased risk of organ involvement due to dual conditions. I'm not expecting any though :) I've read of organ involvement with RA, but haven't talked to anyone who had it. I'm wondering how you found out about the organ problems, etc? Love and gentle hugs, Juliah

Also, I don't want any newly diagnosed (like me) to expect organ involvement to happen. It's just something that "could" happen, and I believe is not that common, so don't borrow trouble and wait for it ;) Just wanting to ease anxious minds here. gentle hugs to all of you

I'm curious to hear others opinion on this as well.


 I first took ill in March,2003 and was hospitalized with septecemia. I also had a kidney infection and hepatitis of unknown origin(toxic hepatitis-I am a non drinker aand was on no medication at the time.) I went on to have about 4 episodes of "septecemia" of unknown origin, kidney and bladder infections. I also had severe pain in my  right upper abdomen. It wasn't until February,2004 that a had a sudden severe onset of pain in my joints. And I mean sudden-within hours, I had severe pain in almost all my joints which my doctor called galloping rheumatologist. My GD said that she suppected RA right from the beginning but couldn't diagnose as no joint involvement and sero-negative blood results. I was offiicially diagnosed with RA in March 2004 and I am nowhere near stabilized.

Also I was diagnosed with Meniere's Disease in my late teens and my ENT says it is directly connected to the RA

 It has been a tough 2 1/2 years. My Meniere's is really bad now after having been stable for many years.

I would be interested in other's experiences.

Take care


