Psoriatic Arthritis Support | Arthritis Information


Hello everyone!,

As I am sure you can all relate, being diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis is scary..not to mention there are not a lot of resources online that discuss this disease compared to the plethora of information out there for many other types of arthritis.

I recently was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis and fibromyalgia..although I am still learning, I want to stay positive and keep myself from feeling ashamed or isolated. I am reaching out to you all and letting you know I have started a blog that will examine day by day experiences, in hopes of sharing some common ground and remaining optimistic.

I may not know you all, but we all share a similar way of life.  I hope you will offer your support by becoming a part of my life at

All of you are welcome! I want to keep negativity to a low and focus on how to deal with our symptoms and still see the good around us :)

Thanks for your time...,
Hi Ella!

"Thank-you" for starting this blog!!! This is GREAT! I am 44 yrs. old, and was diagnosed with Psoriatic A. about two months ago-very scary...I am on my 5th week of Methotrexate shots, and luckily they have helped a lot. The first week was "horrible!"
This last Fri. I was exhausted...and then on Sat. my fingers were really my case, it seems as if "fatigue" is the warning sign of a flare-up...(don't know if this is the case for everyone).
I belong to the "Rheumatoid Arthritis" forum...(just because it seems as if more people post there about all types of arthritis...) I'd be happy to post your blog info there; however there are a couple of very nasty people (mainly one) that really enjoys posting neg. things and is kind of ruining that forum...are you able to block people here?  would you like me to post your info? (and we just ignore that person?) Let me know...
Thanks again for doing this :)
Hi Sandy!

You are such a sweetheart! I am really sorry to hear about your recent is a long process trying to figure out what indicates what! I have been struggling with symptoms for over 2 years, and I am STILL learning what to watch for.

Yes, fatigue is a great indicator. I can tell that a flare is about to happen the moment I am sooooo tired and my body feels so heavy.  I have yet to figure out what helps me during these flare ups, but maybe together we will find out! :)

I would be honored for you to post my blog info there! I realize there are negative people, and that's ok by me.  I doubt they would want to keep up with my blog anyway, haha. If they do, I will just delete the negativity. Actually, that has inspired me to edit my blog and give a fair warning that I won't tolerate it!

If you would post my blog info that would be great. Feel free to comment on my blog also. I really hope you will follow it :) No one has commented yet, so I am SO happy to hear you actually checked it out.

So, you and I will team up against the negativity! Team Optimism! Hahaha. Let me know how the blog info was received, and maybe you can help be my guardian angel while we get people on a path to recovery.

Thanks again!,
