Test results... | Arthritis Information


Hello again.

First of all, I want to wish everyone a happy Easter!

I went to get some blood work done and found out some of the results already. But, I don't know if anyone has heard of this before. I was found to have a high platelet count. Has anyone had that? Also, a very high eosinophil count (EOS). The high end normal range is 0.06, and I had 0.17. My sedimentation rate is high. Normals here in Canada are 2-20, and mine was 42. I haven't recieved the results for the other blood tests yet. ANA, RH factor and so on. I was just wondering what the platelet count and eosinophil count was. Has anyone had that?

Also, I went for x-rays of my knees and ankle. They took 24 x-rays! I was able to go back and see them while the technician looked to see if she has to do any over again. I have to say... to me, the x-rays looked really good! It was so neat to see though. Everything is digital now. No films used. They showed me everything since I told them I was going into nuclear medicine tech next year. Anyway, I am off topic. Any info on the blood tests would be appreciated. I could sleep better if I knew others here had these tests done. I have researched the net, but was interested in your point of views.


I had extremely high sedementation rate on my tests.  My ana and Rh were also through the roof.  I was in an extreme flare with no treatment for over two months.  As soon as I got medication, I responded right away.  I don't know how to read the numbers exactly, but I looked it up online.  You can do searches through google and read what normal rates are.  Some use different number systems, so just be wary of what you read. 

The more knowledge you have the better!

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