prevention and diet help | Arthritis Information



ronbn562011-04-20 12:44:22By treating arthritis early and following a well-designed treatment plan, you can:

◦Reduce your symptoms
◦Increase joint movement
◦Lessen joint-damaging effects
Osteoarthritic joints are not always painful, and when pain is present, it can vary in intensity. In some people severe osteoarthritis is completely pain-free, whereas in others even minor joint changes are quite painful.The response to arthritis pain is broad and very personal.

Because of this, it is important to have an individually designed treatment program. What works for one person may not necessarily work for another, even if both have osteoarthritis of the same joint.

Treatments include:

◦Weight control
◦Proper exercise
◦Heat and cold therapy
◦Pain medication
◦Other pain relief options
◦Stress control
◦Injections into the joint
