good books on RA? | Arthritis Information


I am still very new to RA and am trying to learn more about it. Do any of you have any books to recommend that are easy to understand that deal with self-care as well as treatment options? thank you! Love and gentle hugs, juliah

These are two books that I found helpful:

Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis by Shlotzhauer and McGuire, Johns Hopkins Press (2003)

Conquering Rheumatoid Arthritis, by Lee, Prometheus Books (2001)

The first book is more comprehensive than the second, and I found it to be a lifesaver early on. But the second book is good if you're interested in the more biomedical aspects of RA.


Check with your library, most are on the internet now and you can even request the books online they will get the books together and call you when yu can pick them up.  Barnes and Noble  usually have a good selection of books for the layman if you wish to purchase a couple.  Meme


The Arthritis Foundation is a goldmine of information. They have an excellent self help book. Some of their information is free and some of the books are for sale. You can get access to all of their products from their web site. Check it out. Have a good day.

Barb"The New Arthritis Breakthrough" by Henry Scammel, and "The Infection Connection" by Katherine M Poehlmannawesome, thanks guys. I just bought some of these books on! They are super cheapie there, just in case someone wants to do the same :)