Alternatives to NSAIDs, pros and cons | Arthritis Information


by Marianna Rakovitsky, RPh

Recently, I have talked about the concerns with the use of NSAIDs and their effects on the heart.  All medications carry a risk of adverse effects. NSAIDs are usually very effective in controlling pain especially muscle and bone pain, but they also carry a potential risk of side effects such as stomach and kidney problems, increased risk of bleeding and adverse effects on cardiovascular system. In this post I will talk about common topical treatments as one of the strategies to manage pain.

According to the recommendations of American Heart Association the non-pharmacological methods should be the first line of treatment for pain. Such strategies as appropriate exercise, physical therapy, application of cold and heat may be suggested.  There are also old time traditional remedies such as angora wool knee support that works by heating the area and promoting circulation and may provide some relief for people with osteoarthritis of the knee.  There are also a number of topical products such as creams, patches, and gels that could be used to control pains and may be considered as an alternative to NSAIDs in some situations. Some of the pros and cons of using the common ingredients found in these products are described in this post.

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