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I have been reading all post for a few weeks & thought i would finally respond. I was diagnosed 3 years ago in August. was really bad at beginning & finally did good for a while. last year woke up with a limp & extremely harsh hip pain. unfortunately my insurance was only active for about 4 months & had to wait 1 year for prexisting. So my FP doc helped as much as she could. When i was valid to see a doctor jumped to an orthepdic surgeon before rheumy. Could not imagine that my hip deteriorated so rapidly w/in 8-10 months. Will have r.hip replaced in June & did finally see a rheumy 2 weeks ago & was extremely rude but he's the only one i can see as my insurance only allows. well he doesn't have to be my best friend but a good doc. My 17 year old daughter was so mad at him as I am pretty easy going & soft spoken. She is not & demands to go with me to all of my appts. He started me back on mxth w/sulfasaline so that i can start the bilogical next month. But says before surgery will have to stop most of my meds. I can bearly walk right now so cannot even fathom not taking anything at all during surgery. Does anyone know when i can start the meds back after surgery? I am hoping the biologicals will help with some of my pain but as far as the hips well not much hope until after surgery. It is getting so hard for me lately, maybe I just anticipate that I can hope to get better but the fear that hip surgery will lead to the other hip as he is predicting & finally r. knee surgery. Fear is that I have seen all the commercials & been hoping for the bilogical drug that I probably cannot afford & that does not work... One day I am hoping to feel a pinch better. thank u for letting me finally vent. Landa Welcome, Landa!

Venting is good, and we're the place to do it. There are people here who have had joint replacement & who have been on meds for years - I will defer to them & just say - good luck. There are good people here.

I don't have any answers for you, sorry...just wanted to say hi and welcome!


Hi and welcome!Welcome. I haven't had any surgury for arthritis but I have had a lot of improvement with the medications I'm on , especially the methetrexate and enbrel.  I have both RA and OA so it's hard for me to know which pain is from which arthritis.  I can say that before the newer medicines, I was so stiff I could hardly move. I had lost 60% flexibility in my spine, could not bend or turn my head.  I had severe pain in both hips and knees.  Most of the time I could not lie comfortably in bed. Sometimes I could not get out of bed by myself. What I'm getting at is the right medications can make a huge difference. I'm not suggesting that you don't need surgury, but maybe you should get another rheumatologist's opinion before you have it.It doesn't sound like you've been on the powreful medications long enough to make a difference. The newer biologics like enbrel or humira can make a big difference.I don't know anything about surgery, but I wish you the best.  It sounds like you have a great daughter on  your side looking out for mom.  It really does help to have support from your family.

Hang in there!

Landa,  The good news is you are on your way to the biologics.  WOW - what a difference they make.  From now on, you have to treat you insurance like your lifesaver because this is a very expensive illness and it is so cruel that many many people don't get the right treatment because of it.

Landa, my RA manifests itselfs in my hips mostly.  I know I will be getting a hip replacement eventually.  So I have been asking around and reading up on it.  I think it is just going to be relief for you.  They have gotten very good at joint replacements.  As far as going off the meds, I totally understand.  If my body is challenged at all, even a dental appt. I flare.  I have been told I HAVE to get a colonoscopy, but I am dreading it as I always flare whenever I have any invasive procedure and then off the meds.  Just one day at a time.  I am preparing myself.  I am waiting for the procedure for when I can take some time off of work and my hubby is around.  You may not have that option.  You have to take this f*in disease one day at a time.  The first thing you are doing right is VENT VENT VENT.  I swear when I hold it all in - I get so depressed.  Good luck and keep posting.  You don't have to be brave here - you can let it all out  No advice just wanted to say hi.  Hugs and good vibes.Thank u all for all the welcomes. I have not been to work for 2 days and this is where i can get on computer and do all my searches and logs. I have been thinking that maybe once i get on enbrel that i can still delay my surgery but will have to wait to see. thank you all again.


I have had five joint replacements. The surgeon has put me back on mtx and others drugs within a few days after my replacements. Good luck with your surgery and you will feel better in the long run.

   Welcome Landa.
   I've had two surgeries with in the past 5 months. The week before surgery, I was told that I couldn't take any NAIDS, only Tylenol, for the pain. For me, Tylenol does nothing and I couldn't take the pain. So I started back on my NAIDS as soon as possible after surgery. The mtx was stopped for my 1st surgery but not for the second. I had different docs for the surgery and I'm guessing that it's up to the doc as to what and when you can take your meds. Plus ask the doc if he uses a pain ball, with a catheter placed directly into the joint, after surgery. This thing slowly drips Marcaine into the joint for the first 48 hrs after surgery. Sure cuts down on taking the heavy duty pain meds and allows for you to start moving within a few hrs after surgery.
   Hope all goes well and again, welcome.
