A Couple of Questions for Everyone | Arthritis Information


Since reading Vee's post last night, I've been thinking about how RA patients are treated by their docs.

So I would like to know how many of you have your joints examined during your RD appointment.  
Also, does your RD have you fill out this form:
As I said in my reply to Vee, my RD examines my joints every visit.  I also fill out this form everytime I see him.  I'm curious to know how many others have similiar experiences
ps...Let me add...How many of your are seronegative? 
Lynn492011-04-28 05:20:13My doctor examines my joints at every visit too.  He looks at all my knucles, wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees, and ankles.  In that order.  No hip check or toes.
I also have to fill out that form as well.
I'm curious how often everyone gets xrays.  My RD ran xrays on my feet and lungs my first visit because I was having trouble with one of toes and because I have asthma and I guess he wanted to make sure it wasn't lung trouble from RA.  I had one on a wrist because it was so painful for so long.  But no regularly scheduled xrays. 
My doctor has me fill out the form every visit and checks my joints every visit. He also has this really neat ultra sound machine that he used on my joints that show inflamation. Now that I have weaned off of prednisone you can really see the "reds" show up and he told me Monday that this is typical RA inflamation. He also checks my muscles in my arms...Mine checks out my joints every time I see her and I also fill out that form.  I too am seronegative and on MTX and orencia infusions.my doctor  checks my joints each visit and I fill out a form very similar to the one posted.
I'm seropositive.
kelstev2011-04-28 12:57:59Now that I'm seeing a dr. who specializes in RA, he checks my joints when I've seen him (twice so far) and I had extensive x-rays at the first visit last September, but I have never filled out a form like the one you attached, for any dr. I've seen for the RA in the past 23 years. They do have a one page form that asks questions about every body system, maybe 3 of them were about the joints.My RD checks all of my joints at each visit, and I also fill out a form that is similar to the one you attached. I was initially diagnosed as seronegative, but after about 3 years I became positive. Depending on how I'm doing, or if he adds any new medication, I see him every 4-8 weeks. Usually every 8 weeks though. I love my RD. Had my first lot of xrays done this year (4 years after coming down with ra).
Never have filled out a form.
Max time I spend with Doc is 15 minutes.
I go for my Orencia infusions every 28 days and I meet with my Dr. each time.  He checks all of my joints (just gently pressing on them), he asks me questions about how I've done over the last month, updates my medication list, we chat a bit and that's about it with him.  The nurses check my weight, BP and temp and they have me fill out a "pain & progress" form as well.
I have x-rays taken every 2 years.
Hi everyone - I am seronegative and was diagnosed 3 years ago with RA.  I am on plaquenil, methotrexate, folic acid, and humira (every other week).  I just got off prednisone in January after being on it three years.  I just started Peroxicam this week.  I only see my rheumatologist every 6 months now.  He only checks my hands, elbows and shoulders.  He asks a few basic questions each time (but not like your form).  He forgot to have me get blood work recently so I went 9 months without blood work.  I feel like I am on all these heavy duty drugs and no body is really paying attention.  I am now going for blood work every three months but only seeing him every 6 months.  How often does everyone see their rheumatologists?  Thanks.
i fill out a short version of the survey.  Over the years with various doctors I have filled out variants of them.  I've had 7 joints replaced and have a couple fused so doing a complete joint check is difficult.  He checks out my hands and anything else I mention.  He and I have a good working relationship so I suspect my visits with him may not be typical for him.My doctor never had me fill this form out but he does ask me how things are going he wants to know how I am doing and how I am handling things. Now mine is more of the PsA and he checks my skin and see how the scales, as I call them are doing and if the meds are helping at all. meme I see my RH. at the Hospital every 6 months, when he does a thorough joint examination, checks my walking and posture etc. asks heaps of questions and I see his clinical nurse every 3 months, she does much the same.  I am always asked if I have any questions or concerns, or have any medication queries.  And they do ask how I am in general, apart from the RA - sort of what I do, am I enjoying life, been anywhere interesting etc.
If there is a problem he will come through and join in with the 3 month nurse visit.  I have blood tests every 6 weeks, the results of which are sent to my GP and RH each time, and they monitor them.  I also receive a copy. 
Our visit form is a two pager,  not as comprehensive as yours, same sort of questions and scales etc but nothing about the emotional or financial aspect. I think the emotion - mood stuff is probably picked up in the conversational chat.
Maybe they don't go into the financial aspect because our Health Care System is different, and hospital, specialist consultation, treatment & medications are funded by Public Health.  I only pay a small fee for each prescription item every two months.  
I am sero-negative!  On Methotrexate, placquenil, Prednisone (only 6mg now YAY), Folic Acid, Losec, FosamaxD.  (And the odd Ibuprofen if I have forgotten I'm not Wonderwoman).
Coasting along well most of the time, just now the changeable temperatures as we head from Autumn into winter are playing me around, but this usually settles as soon as the temperatures even out.
And that's me really, no major probs, not getting any worse, happy with myself and very thankful I have a pretty good range of movement and have stabilised, and am able to do most of what I want to do.   
Kiwilass22011-04-28 15:54:45I have a couple of forms that I fill  out each visit.  Since I go to a teaching/research hospital, a med student goes over the form with me first.  Then he does a very detailed exam.  This is usually about 20min.  Then my dr comes in for another 30min appointment.  Med student goes over the paper with the dr and then the dr asks what the med student feels should be the next step.  If they disagree, they talk back and forth and include me in the conversation.
As I've said before, I have JRA.  It is usually seronegative and often attacks the jaw and eyes-think I fit that profile :)  xrays haven't been done in a while.  We are really trying to cut down on radiation exposure with all the CT's and MRI's that I've done this past year.  Ortho want an MRI of my shoulder, elbow, hand due to inflammation and very weak grip.  But, the gi wants another ct of the colon and the pulmonlogist wants the lungs.  ARGH.  So for now, no xrays or any radiologic studies unless it's an acute situation.  When I was first diagnosed, I had xrays every 6 months.  I think this was mainly due to the fact that I was still growing and an active kid.  As an adult, xrays were done yearly and a nuclear bone scan every 5 years.
You have to totally trust your dr.  Remember, this is a long term problem.  ER docs, surgeons, most others you only have to see when the need arises.  Your rheumy will be with you every step of the way.  If you feel that you are not getting the very best care available to you-find another.  Trust your instincts.
Wow Rebecca, I'm impressed with the amount of time the med students and your doctor spend with you each visit! And you are so right about totally trusting your doctor. A good doctor/patient relationship is a must. I really love my RD, but will probably be moving about 2 hours away from him within the next year. I haven't decided yet if I want to make the drive every 4-8 weeks, or try and find a new RD closer to where we will be moving. Tough decision! [QUOTE=ithurts]My doctor has me fill out the form every visit and checks my joints every visit. He also has this really neat ultra sound machine that he used on my joints that show inflamation. Now that I have weaned off of prednisone you can really see the "reds" show up and he told me Monday that this is typical RA inflamation. He also checks my muscles in my arms...[/QUOTE]
Just curious.  Why does he check your muscles?
My Dr had me fill out a form once.  He checks my hands and wrists and askes some questions.  the appointment laste 15 minutes, but it takes over an hour to get there every two months.  Im feeling good though
My doc checks all of my joints he then asks me questions about how I've been coping since the last visit he then updates my medication list, we chat a bit and that's about it with him.  The nurses also checks  my weight, BP and temp and they have me fill out a form to show how i am progressing and general well being.http://www.arthritisjointpaingone.com
The dr. I had before they referred me down to Duke was a pretty quick one.  Most appointments were about 15min.
I'm sure one reason my appts are so long right now is due to the fact I keep having complications.  I would love to get back to the quick appointment days.
My current dr. is also great about using email.  He'll print out any emails that I have sent at the appointment and let the med student read through them.  He then puts them in my file.  He says it's a good way to see the weekly/monthly progression of symptoms.
sero-negative here!It sounds as though I have had two bad rheumy's. Thank you all for sharing this information. The first rheumy I saw years ago, just looked at my hands now and then and that was about it. The second one was the same. My appts lasted 10 or 15 minutes with each of those docs. I have an appointment with a new rheumatologist in a college town about an hour away from my home on May 10th. I am so ready to get my life back. I hope she helps me. She was recommended by a patient with RA who sees the same orthopedic surgeion I see. I now realize I need a good doc who will take the time to figure out what is going on with me. The prednisone I was on is just about gone now. The fatigue is coming back pretty fast, as are the varouis aches and pains. My knees are starting to scream more. At least my new doc should be able to see what I am dealing with and maybe that will help her make a diagnosis.

VAll my joints are checked, listens to my chest/heart, checks foot pulses, looks at nails on feet and hands, checks ROM.   She doesn't have me do form but she examines all of my body.  Lindy
When I was with the Naval Medical Center, the Rhuematologist would have me fill out a form at every visit and most of the time would check my joints and muscles but since I have been assigned to a civilian RD,  he checks my hip joints, knees and really takes the time to look at my hands and toes. I guess he checks them more since they where my major complaints when I had my first visit with him. No forms to fill out.  My RA factor is positive, Positively HIGH...lol.
Good Question
I have an appointment tomorrow.  I have been feeling good lately, thank God, so I guess it will be a short visit.Yes I fill out the form at my Dr. visits and he also checks all of my joints.I was initially diagnosed as seronegative, but after about 3 years I became positive. Depending on how I'm doing, or if he adds any new medication, I see him every 4-8 weeks. Usually every 8 weeks though.
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