Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Your Condition | Arthritis Information


When you have a health problem, it's always important to understand what it is, what its course may be, and how it is treated. When you have a chronic disease such as arthritis, it's even more important. In chronic illness, you may not get all your questions answered right away - because you may not even think of them. But over time, you get an opportunity to develop an important partner relationship with your physician.

The day before every doctor visit, you should make time to sit down and make a list of anything that has been troubling you since your last visit - any changes in your symptoms, concerns about medications, or lifestyle issues, such as those related to exercise or sexuality - as well as any questions you have.

Early in the course of your relationship with your physician, you may want some or all of the following questions answered by your physician. Over time, you may want to ask some of these questions again - because the answers may change as your disease progresses or comes under control, as new therapies are developed, or as you age. You can use this list to develop your own question checklist for each doctor visit.
Thank you, Lynn! I will be seeing a new rheumy as soon as I can get in to see her. I have typed up a medication list, and started documenting my pain levels. This is very helpful!

VI was thinking of you when I read it.
I'm glad you found it helpful Very helpful, especially for the newly diagnosed! Hi, Lynn! I just found out I have an appointment with a new rheumatologist on May 10th. I am so ready to get started on getting better. Thanks so much for all the help you have given me while I have been waiting to find a good doc. I hope this one is a good one! I will let you know how it goes. I hope she examines my joints. I have seen two rheumys over the past ten years, and neither one of them asked about my pain level or examined my joints. They only looked at my hands a little bit. Geez Louise!!!

VGood luck Vee! Let us know how it goes! Thank you, Brisen! I appreciate your support.