Frosty Tuesday Morning | Arthritis Information


This morning when the dogs and I got up it was a chilly 31...brrrrrrrrr.

It is supposed to warm up into the sixties today with a lot of sunshine
I certainly hope so.  I like to take Wylie for a walk in the morning after he eats and 31 is pretty cold.  He's a huskie/border collie so he doesn't mind the it.  I however wore gloves and a coat
I'm not sure what I going to be doing today, though it will definately involve being outside when it warms up!
Yesterday I spent some time working with Wylie on obedience training.  He did really well.
No bad for a pup who isn't even 5 months old.
I hope everyone enjoys their Wednesday
Take care,
Happy hump day everyone! Nice and hot here in So. Calif...mid 90's! I haven't turned on the AC yet this season, but I'm definitely thinking about it. Another lazy day here for usual! I'm feeling a little better today, but did have to increase my medrol and pain meds. I really don't think the increase of Simponi to twice monthly has done much, but it's only been 3 months since the increase and my RD said we'll give it six months. So we shall see.

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the spring/summer weather. Where ever you are, or whatever you're doing, I hope it's a peaceful, pain-free day!
   I hope that it gets warmer for you today Lynn.  Firstly when I saw your post, I thought  31??  Man, I'd be frying - then I realised we're on Celsius down here, and this lovely Autumn morning is sitting on 18 degrees. 
Gets a bit confusing for a little old Kiwi lady, and the time differences for the different regions of US get me muddled as well.   Not so bad for UK vs NZ, because we're on GMT, and only plus or minus 1 hr for daylight saving. A lot easier on the brain!   I think we have about two weeks either end of changeover times when UK & NZ are a straight twelve hrs.
Variations in temperatures across the regions in our small little patch on the globe are very small, probably usually no more than 5 -6 degrees C, so to see you on 31 and Gale on 90 is interesting.     But I do have a question.   Please Gale - what is a hump day??LOL Jeanne...hump day refers to Wednesday because it's the hump in the middle of the week. Monday starts out, escalates to tuesday, wednesday it peaks (hence the term hump) thursday it starts to decine, and friday you're home free! Hope that makes sense. We used the term all the time when I was working. After wednesday, you just coast into friday!