chocolate | Arthritis Information


Chocolate is actually good for you... its all the crap they put with it that is bad.  Eating 65% and higher cocoa is good for health... in moderation as with anything.  Try the bars from here: or buy them from any health food store.  THey are very yummy and I have tried about all the kinds of dark chocolate I can find.  THey have all kinds too.  Chocolate is full of anti-oxidants and good minerals.  Avoid "low fat" versions since these have to be made with some kind of filler to replace fat... that is why some low fat foods can not be that good for you at all... gotta read labels, sometimes its better to eat the real version in moderation.  Same with sugar substitute... its just converted to the sugars in your body that you are trying to avoid anyway.  Id rather eat real sugar anyway!  Its safer. There is no fad or substitute that will every replace eating in moderation.  The basics of nutrition stay the same.

Endangered Species Chocolate supports organizations that protect endangered species and preserve the precious habitats that animals, plants and human beings need to survive and flourish. To further promote awareness, our packaging highlights animals in danger of extinction. Each wrapper contains educational information in the hopes of inspiring concern and action.

i dont know about the anti-oxidants and good minerals,but a bite of Chocolate can put a smile on your face when you really need one

I ate 2 cadberry mini eggs and ended up in full flair the next day, chocolate always hates me.  Luckily i don't like it much, but i love the cadberry eggs, glad they are only here for Easter.

Good or Bad,  I love chocolate.

ps that is dark chocolate that is good for you. not milk chocolate


Shan~Do you think maybe it's the creamy stuff in those cream eggs that make you act up? Does a palin chocolate bar cause the same reaction?

I have heard that a really good chocolate is good for you.

65% cocoa and higher is dark chocolate... or real chocolate.  Its the cocoa that has the good stuff... so that is why dark is good. The milk choc and white choc arent any help because of all that is added to the "dark" or real chocolate that makes it unhealthy.  I do love the bad kind too tho! hehe!  I am no saint! But the dark is the best to me anyway... just coincidence, but finally a nice one!  I think the Endangered Species dark choc bar is WAYYYYY better than Ghiradelli's, which is really good too, so you can imagine how good that is.  THere are so many crappy dark bars out there...

hey! its fun to think about other things like chocolate instead of the damn diseases and predisone/broken bodies! 


I've been trying to make my own granola because my daughter likes it but it so damn expensive at the store.  Another one Rachel likes even though it really isn't a healthy trail mix but I will let her have about  a 1/2 cup every so often is from Wally World, Sam's Orchard mix she really likes that one.  Wally world is now starting to carry alot of the dark chocolate candy bars, I usually keep a couple in the cupboard and break off a piece, now and then, and let it melt in my mouth DELICIOUS!!!!

I was told to stay away from sugar that it can trigger her opinion. I stay away as much as humanly possible.

Dark chocolate is wonderful.I'm completely adicted and it makes me feel better.

Pepper due to my hypothyroidism, I can't have flaxseeds, it interferes with my synthroid or I would give them a try.  I really like good Granola. Take care of yourself.  meme

ps does she make a granola w/o flaxseed?

   Chocolate is a no-no for me and I love it. Wish I could but if I eat more than one little bite, then I know that I'm going to be very sick for about a week.

   MarisaIt is weird but I havent been craving Choc. for the past few weeks. I have gone from craving sweets to craving salty stuff and stuff with vinegar.

it's cuz you're off the prednisone crunchy!!!!!   prednisone makes all the sweet stuff taste soooooooooooooooo good.

I love chocolate.........all kinds.  I had heard before that there are a lot of antioxidants in cocoa.. and that just was the bestest news ever!
