Question from a new member... | Arthritis Information


My daughter Lilly is 6 and has had JRA since she was 11 mos old (both knees, right wrist, left ankle and some jaw involvement).  She's been on methotrexate for years and has responded very well - she's in remission right now and you'd never know that there was any medical issue with her at all.

However, the last two months we've started to wean her off her methotrexate - she's at about half her normal dose right now.  The last few weeks I've been noticing a increase in her emotions - she seems much easier upset and is crying very easily.  What I am trying to determine is if this might be the beginning of a flare or if I'm just overracting because I know she's on a reduced dose of the meds.

I was hoping that I might get to talk with someone who has experienced JRA/RA symptoms or who has parented a child who can describe how it feels.  Lilly has been this way all her life and she really can't articulate what is wrong.  I really could use some help knowing how she feels.

By the way - these are my girls - the one on the right is Lilly.

Thanks!I had Jra when I was younger. They didn't have the medicines they have now. I was on naproxen and after a couple of years of pain and being tired I went into remission until this past year. I had pariffin wax treatments to reduce swelling they told my mother that I should try to stay active. I would talk with your daughters doctor if you have any questions. All the test and medicine is a little tramatising.Hi! My name is Andrea, I am 15 and I was diagnosed with JRA at the age of 6. I really don't know what to tell you about your daughters change in emotions but I usually get really upset when I am having a flare up. But I do not mean to worry you. It could be something totally diffrent with your daughter, and hopefully it is. I hope she gets to feeling well soon. May God be with you and Lilly.

If you don't mind me asking, do you feel differently when your arthritis is active?  What I mean is - other than the joint stiffness, do you just kind of feel bad all over?  This is what I suspect might be happening with Lilly but I can't really ask her because she is too young to explain how it feels.

Thanks.  I appreciate your willingness to help!!

It is advisable to look into natural foods approach. A team of researchers in Oslo, Norway, published a breakthrough research report in the Lancet a prominent Bristish medical journal that they had carefully eliminated foods believed to be common arthritis triggers can benefit the patients. Also an interesting case of an eight-year-old girl with JRA reported in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. She was admitted to the hospital with pain and swelling in her wrist. The pain spread to her hands, feet, hips and knees, and over the next six years, she was hospitalized nine times. Her symptoms subsided for three months when she went on a vegetarian diet, but her doctor advised against her to continue. She went back to her old way of eating, and her pain soon return. Later, she consulted with other doctors, who came to suspect that foods were contributing to her symptoms. They gave particular attention to milk products, which turned out to be among the most common triggers for arthritis patients. They asked her to avoid all dairy products, and within one week, her joint swelling was gone. In three weeks, her pain was gone.

I am a Gout and RA patient, but I have reversed them only with herbs and correct foods without any drug being used for fifteen years.

I suggest start to explore, learn, use correct foods and herbs for long term benefit of your child.

Hi amynthegirls.

You have beautiful children, they look like angels.

I was diagnosed with JRA at the age of twelve and it went into remission at around 19. Everyone is different though and reacts differently to pain, meds, etc... As for the pain and our emotions, I didn't have a supportive parent to help me through it and didn't quite understand why this was happening. Maybe it was just me but I was quite moody. It's hard to be cheerful when your in pain and sometimes the pain can come on slowly and it feels as though something with our bodies is just not right. Then the pain increases and then we realize we are having a flare. I guess some just learn to tolerate a certain level of pain until it gets to a point in the day that we can no longer ignore it or it gets in the way of our activities and we say to ourselves 'hey, this is painful!'

Whatever the problem is, having a supportive parent is extremely helpful in dealing with this disease. You are already helping her more than you know. Keep on talking with her and playing with her. Lots of affection too. It's a good form of therapy and will help her with the pain and her emotions.

Don't forget to take care of yourself too. Keep reading the posts from the regular people on this board who have this disease. Take care.Amynthegirls,
I read your last post and to answer your question yes, sometimes I do feel bad all over. Its hard to find the strength to do anything at times. But after a few days it usually goes away. Hopefully it will do the same with Lilly. If you have anymore questions don't hesitate to ask me.
                            -Andrea Does anyone know of an Arthritis chat room? If so please inform me. I have searched everywhere and I am not having any luck with it. Thanks!

Hello amynthegirls,

I'm 18 years old and have had JRA since i was 14 months old. When i was around the same age as your daughter my doctor tried to take me off the methotrexate my mom said that i was kind of irritable as i weaned off it. I came off it without any problems and it was a couple of years beofre i relapsed again. If your worried speak with your daughters doctor. I hope she stays well

Love to you and Lilly s is a site for parents with children who have jra. I'm Leah 25 years old. On tuesday night I started to complain about my neck hurting me so I went to the doctor on wed and thursday cuz the next morning I started to hurt all over to the point where I was crying. My joints was hurting me. My doctor send me for blood work to check if I have rheumatoid arthritis. Does it sound like I have it? What other symptoms are there to it? What treatments & medications are there? Write Back Soon
   Take Care
