Mouth sores due to Methotrexate...any advice? | Arthritis Information


I have been on Methotrexate injection for several weeks now, and unfortunately have a mouth sore that is pretty uncomfortable and Rheumatologist, didn't seem too concerned about it, and said it was pretty common...he said to use "Oragel for mouth sores" and sent me on my merry way...has anyone else had this problem? If so, what have you used for it?

Hi Sandy, my RD gave me 1 mg folic acid for this problem.  I got sores in my nose and my mouth from MTX.  I took one daily but when I got the sores, I could up them to 5.  This made them go away quickly and reduced the soreness.  I hope this gives you some info to discuss with your RD and you get some relief soon!

I also got mouth sores when I was on Methotrexate. My RD prescribed Folic Acid 1 mg, but after several months, the sores only got worse. I was taken off Methotrexate and switched to Arava 20 mg. daily and have had no further problems. i also had mouth sores when I first started Methotrexate four years ago.. i now am fine.. no sores.. not in my mouth.... not in my nose..  I am religious about my folic acid.. I take my 1mg every day!!   In time you won't be affected if you follow the full course of including the folic acid (and yes, you can increase it without any harm to yourself) You could ask your Dr. about Lidex  and whether he could give you a prescription for it. Another alternative would be yorghurt. Another suggestion is to try BIOTENE which is used for 'dry mouth' it reduces bacteria in your mouth that is caused by a drier mouth it's like a mouthwash. can't hurt. Good luck !  i hope one of these work for you.
Please ignore the above is NOT me. It's our resident troll ronbn56.

Thanks to all for your suggestions...I will def. try some of you all know...mouth sores are not fun!

Thanks for clarifying...but no worries..although I'm still pretty new here, I'm already learning "who's who"in this forum...and I immediately knew it was from our "friend..."
"Gale Brisen": How sad to see you continue to waste your time spreading hurtful comments in this forum. As I've said to you before...with ALL the knowledge you claim to have (which I believe you do...for some things...) you would accomplish SOOOOO much more, if your approach was a bit's obv. not working for you now, is it?
Being that tomorrow is "Mother's Day"...I'm sure most Mom's; including myself will enjoy the company of our children and reflect on the "amazing" kids or adults we have raised...(I have no idea if your Mom is still with us or not-I hope she is, of course...) but whatever the circumstances are...I'm sure she never intended to raise SUCH a "hurtful, bitter, insensitive" person...SO....out of respect to her...just "back off."
And...if you really want to share your knowledge, why don't you start your own website and approach it with a positive attitude. You'd be surprised - some people might actually check it out...(I am not kidding!)
Take care. 
I take one mg of Folic Acid each day.  Sometimes I get a small mouth sore, but it goes away within a day.  I take 8 mg of MTX each Wednesday.Hi, Sandy
Sorry to hear you are having to deal with mouth sores...  They deffinitely can hurt.
I just recently was put back on Arava and had a whopper of a mouth sore pop up. Called the RD and asked for leucovorin but instead he called in Folic Acid (1mg twice dailey). Wasn't sure it would work but it did and I am now a much happier camper.
I never heard of using OraGel for mouth sores that come from taking certain medications.  I guess it could work but if it doesn't, make sure you call your RD and explain that Oragel is not doing it for you and can he please give you a script for Folic Acid.  I am sure he will prescribe it for you.
I never thought about using Biotene for mouth sores but I do have it in mouth wash form (dry mouth) and it works well for that but not to happy with the taste....ugh
I got mouth sores when I first went on MTX and like most replies, my dr. prescribed folic acid. I haven't had any sores in the 4 years since taking folic acid daily.Yep.  Folic Acid for me too!  I take 5 mg per day apart from the day I take my Methotrexate. The ulcers (mouth sores) kicked in about 3 weeks after I started the Methotrexate, that's when he prescribed the Folic Acid.  I had a bit a hair loss initially too, and that stopped as well after the Folic Acid was introduced. 