Shingles | Arthritis Information


Have any of you had shingles since you started taking the meds for RA?  I just read an article about a link between shingles and those who are on meds that suppress the immune system.  I am interested in hearing your take on this subject.  Susan Lee

My Mother who does not have RA but who has recently been through a lot of stress is just now getting over the shingles. It was a fairly mild case and they were caught early so she hasn't had too hard of a time with them; but they are aggrevating. They can be very, very painful for some people.


  I have had Shingles, not because of any RA medications I have taken.  It is a very painful disease for some people, as lovie said. 

I was one of them who had it it bad.   My heart goes out to anyone who has them.  Prednisone does work for the pain but you also need something for the itch it brings.

I am always watching to make sure I don't have them and if I do, I know to get to the doctors before 72 hours are up for the medications needed to help shorten the duration of them.
This thread caught my eye. Right before I started experiencing my RA symptoms my dad had shingles really bad. He didnt move off of the sofa for more or less 3 weeks and the pain was immense. He doesn't normally complain when he is feeling a bit under the weather so we knew it was bad. Anyways he still gets the pain even now which is over a year on. I've heard in the past that shingles can cause RA and that my dads illness may have been the reason for me having RA. Anyone else heard this?My goodness....My Momma has been lucky for sure. She did catch them real realy though. She's done pretty well with them. 
Having chicken pox can put you at the mercy of the herpes zoster virus, years later.  Sometimes, if your immune system is low, it could possibly open the door for RA.  Does your father have RA from the shingles.  I am sorry to hear your father is still troubled by the shingles.  It is not a very nice disease.

No, no one else in my family has RA. Thats why it came as a surprise when I started experiencing the symptoms as none of my immediate family have had the illness in the past and what with me being so young, it took a while for the doctors to suss it out. Then again I am a bit of a walking disaster so in a way it was inevitable

The message is that it can happen to anyone who has had chicken pox, and anything that lowers your immune system puts you at greater risk.


Hillhoney (cute name) is correct. Shingles can occur whenever your body is under extreme stress and when your immune system is weakened.  When I was first diagnosed with RA and placed on Methotrexate, I came down with a case of shingles that put me in the hospital for 5 days.  Mine were located  just below my shoulder blades. They progressed in different directions and came within an inch of meeting over my stomach.  I understand that if they had met, I would have been one sick puppy. ( Worse than I already was!) My Doc said it was the shock of the Methotrexate on the immune system and not uncommon in new patients.  Haven't had them since and I don't want them!  MarkayeSorry to hear some of your stories.  My Mother had them as well after a fall and I felt so sorry for her.  She had so much pain and discomfort.  I so hope that no one has to go through that agony.  And I am sorry some of you have already experienced it.  Thanks for answering my question.  Susan Leeguess who else gets shingles? Kids. Because of the new (past 10 yrs) varicella vaccine, kids dont get chicken pox (or chicken pops as my son called them!) but they can get shingles. My daughter had it when she was 8. It wasnt too bad. She had to take zovirax and we used steroid cream topically. She only missed 2 days of school. My grandfather had shingles in his 70s and it took him about 6 months to get better.Oh my gosh... I was diagnosed in August 2003 w/RA and in October had a case of shingles. It was horrible pain and thought it was a reaction to my pills so I stopped for a few days as that was when I did not have insurance. Then started the flare up as well. Have really never talked about any of this with anyone so it is very interesting that I am finding a connection with each of you. It was so embarrassing for me when I got it as it was so ugly and scarring. RA does not run in my family but at that same time went through a horrible ordeal and dr. stated that my immune system hit rock bottom which triggered my RA and soon after the shingles.
have never heard of shingles causing RA.I have had shingles twice,always when I have been on predison longterm.very painful!!!I've had shingles in the past, but ever since my ra
flared and I have been on mtx and the other
medications, it has gotten really bad. Just hopeing
eventually I can get it under control.

A friend of mine with both RA and scleroderma was on MTX when her kids got their vaccines for chicken pox.  A few months later...she came up with a case of shingles.   Her doc said it could be related to their shots or not.  I know a book I read on kids with JRA said those on immunosuppressive drugs such as steroid, biologics, and cytotoxics (including MTX and others) should not receive vaccinations and there should be no live vaccinations given to siblings and household contacts. The chicken pox vaccine is a live one.  Now seeing that warning and putting it together with a warning on the MTX prescribing info...makes me wonder if the same holds true for adults on MTX.  My son's ped. thought I was nuts but it's not like I was letting it stop him from being vaccinated while I was on MTX, just that I wanted to know about any live ones so I knew that if I had something come up, it might need looking into.  


Very informative topic.

I feel for anyone who has or had Shingles. Live with some one who has or had Shingles. Knows someone who has or had Shingles.  They are horrible for most of the people who get them and the bad thing is, we can get them again.


My grandmother had arthritis (I think RA although it was never documented) and later had shingles. She was born in the late 1890's so they didn't know as much then. I don't know if there is a connection between the two  but I know there is between chicken pox and shingles.