Monday | Arthritis Information


 It's the beginning of the week, aren't we all happy?  

I'm up early and off to work for my 8 hours.  Due to budget and funding issues I'm only working 8 hours a week but I'm volunteering 4 hours a week.  I needed to do some volunteer work and this works out for me.  Other employees are only working 4 days a week and we've incorporated many other cuts.  Working for a non-profit isn't the ideal job in this political climate.  If there are ideal times for heart issues to crop up it was now.  I was going to cut my hours anyway and timing was right.
It's beautiful but cold.  The windmills came on in the vineyard last night and kept me awake for awhile.  It was down in the low 30s and there's new growth on the vines.  Not the ideal time for the temps to drop.  At least it's not windy yet.  Yesterday the wind blew all day.  I'm not complaining because I know it could be so much worse.
I'm tired because I sat up and watched the Borgias and Camelot last night.....anyone else hooked on the shows?  Jeremy Irons is great as Pope Borgia.  Love me a little history, great costumes, good acting, and throw in some sexy scenes and I'm happy TV watcher.
Hope everyone's day is pain free and wonderful.  Lindy 
Good afternoon everyone! Once again, it's another lazy day for me. Got up at 7am, had coffee and breakfast, then came back up to bed around 9am for a nap...slept until 12:30. This fatigue definitely has me beaten this past couple of weeks. It's been 3 months since my Simponi was increased to twice monthly, but so far, I can't say I've seen any improvement in the pain and fatigue. I actually think it's getting worse.

We have a small amount of sunshine, mixed in with a cloudy sky, but I think I'm going to go sit outside for my lunch. It's suppose to rain tomorrow, so I better take advantage of the weather today.

Hope everyone is having a good day1
Gale, Simponi did little for me.  What's your treatment plan if Simponi is failing?  I'm going to be starting Imuran in a couple of weeks.  LindyLindy, the only biologic left for me if Simponi fails, is Actemra. My RD and I have discussed it numerous times, but he's very hesitant to prescribe it because of the side effects. He only has one other patient on it, but we've decided if the Simponi does fail, he'll consider putting me on it. I see him the end of June, so hopefully a decision will be made then. I've been on the Simponi over a year, and it seemed to help in the beginning, but like everything else, I seem to build up antibodies against it, and it stops working.

Did you have your heart cath yet? For some reason, I'm thinking it's tomorrow? If so, good luck, and let us know how it goes.
Hey everyone just trying to take it easy today, I did a pot of spaghetti sauce and laundry but my body is aching, seem to have a touch of something today and was running for the toilet this afternoon, Very windy here, has been like this for the last couple days. 8 foot waves or higher on Lake Huron today. The winds were so strong on Saturday we have trees down all over the county. Wind is going to be with us a couple more days and I am staying under the covers to keep warm. Sauce turned out great and I made a loaf of crusty bread to go with it too. Have a good night and peaceful sleep. meme Gale, had two heart caths last week, radial artery and then femoral times had by all!!! Still no definitive answer but pulmonologist and cardiologist leaning towards RA and TNFs and biologics all having a hand in the cardiac issues.  Heart failure, MMVP, left ventrical only pumping at 35% and right side not working properly.  I have no other risk factors other than RA.  Will find out more on Thurs. and hopefully there will me a med treatment for some of this.  I feel pretty good now exce[t for RA pain, no meds for a month. 
Gale, if you don't mind me asking but how old are you?  I'm wondering if the RA meds don't have more silent side effects on the older group.  I've searched on the study sites re: age and RA meds but have come with little information.  I'll keep searching.  I know how you feel about coming to the end of the meds that we can use.  I'm not sure that I've come to terms with the issues facing me but I guess I'll just keep plugging along and not give up hope.  Lindy
LinB2011-05-16 22:52:58Lindy, glad the heart cath is in the past now, and hoping that the cardiologist will come up with a med treatment plan for you. I'm sure that the RA and meds have played a major factor in your heart problems, I guess there is no way of knowing for certain though. I just turned 58, and need to set up an appointment with a cardiologist also. I've been taking Coreg CR for blood pressure issues that started about 3 years ago. Being a beta blocker, it should keep my heart rate on the lower side, but I consistently run tachycardic...anywhere from 100 - 120 resting. I've been putting off seeing a cardiologist, but my RD and endocrinologist think it's time.   

I sure hope the Imuran works for you. You must be feeling pretty awful by now, being off everything for a month. I know when I had my two knee replacements last year, it was rough when I had to go off everything for 3-4 weeks.

Hang in there Lindy, and please let us know what the cardiologist says on Thurs.
hello all.. we've had days and days of rain or mist and fog and clouds  UGH!!!!!!!
I am ready for some nice sunshine and Vitamin D!! 
Lindy.. I love Camelot and I am completely hooked on the Game of Thrones (I am reading the books that are after this series being currently shown.)  Interesting!  It seems to be in the days of Camelot but it has elements of fantasy which I enjoy! 
Glad your cath procedure is over with..  *whew*  and hope there is a good regimen for keeping the wolf at bay!
and.. sorry.. Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.
Babs if you like Camelot and Game of Thrones get the Warlord Chronicles by Bernard Cornwell. The 3 books in the series are The Winter King, Enemy of God, & Excalibur. It is about the life of a knight and you see through his eyes the rise and fall of King Arthur & Camelot. Excellent series I highly recommend it. Does HBO do some justice to Game of Thromes??? I don't have HBO but I would love to see this series if it is worth it. meme
