Wondering? | Arthritis Information


  I just wonder why sometimes a flare is worse in say your knees and ankles sometimes and then other times it may be more in the hips or shoulders?

I am so blessed as my shoulders are fine. My jaw is the only upper body part with issue. Most of this flare has been in my feet, ankles, knees and jaw. Possibly in the hips some but not as bad it has been times in the back yet.
So it takes me back in time having had my ankles so bad I could not walk on them. Hmmm!
Do I ever stop and think? It just occured to me that back when my ankles were so bad I could not walk on them I was taking far less pain meds then I am taking currently. So the issue this week is I would have to say well then my ankles are much worse then they have ever been.
Well I did walk today. Horray for me! A week of prednisone and I was beginning to wonder.
In the past I would get very deppressed or maybe that is not the right word? Trapped, threatened, dependent on others. Not being able to walk always really freaked me out faster then anything.
So this week I really wanted to rest and that was my greatest thing to aspire to. LOL I had plenty of food in the house. Still the rest Hmmm? Well being on pred I guess you can rest and be awake at the same time.
So my first thoughts were wow I have not had a flare this bad in along time. I guess the fear of the unknown or something like that kept me from having a panic attack or a melt down.
I know from experience that I will get through this so I do not panic anymore if I can not walk or stand for more than a minute or not at all sometimes. So at least I found that to be a new mile stone for me mentally.
Certain times of the day after taking the prednisone I could walk a bit but not for very long. I made an easy meal on the stove and was in tears from the pain but I still was able to eat a hot meal.
The dishes do tend to pile up after a few days. So I called the drug store and they delivered a couple of ace bandages. I wrapped up my ankles, then put ankle braces on. I also put knee braces on.
I knew that my best bet was to attempt the dishes about an hour and a half after taking the prednisone. I got that done and hobbled back into bed with a feelling of great acomplishment.
Those knee braces I can only ware for a short period of time. They just seem to tight. I much like the ace bandages better then the ankle braces however it was an occasion that had to ware all of these things to get the dishes done.
My jaw hurt worst of all and I thought about wrapping an ace bandage around it so it would not be jealous but so far I have not tried that yet.
Sure thier are people that would take care of me if they could. I am not the sickest person I know at the moment. People do check on me but my son is taking care of his girl and her family as her father has late stage heart faliure and that is what I want him to do and where I want him to be.
He did check on me today and he still mows my yard so I feel blessed. He did not believe me when I told him I was doing better. Truely I am. Still in pain sure but I did make it to grociery store and back today. So that is the first time all week I could walk that far.
Well this is rambeling not wondering. LOL What I was wondering was why my shoulders and arms, wrist and elbows are not bothering me anymore than the ususal every day pains of RA and my lower joints and jaw are as bad as they have ever been if not worse then they have ever been?
I would be in worse spirits if my neck and back and shoulders were hurting so I am so glad they are not. My guess is the medicine is working faster maybe on the parts that are not hurting so bad and the parts that do hurt are requiring more time?
milly2011-05-19 01:22:25 That seems like a good question to me but I don't know the answer.  I guess we just have to be thankful when a flare just hits a few areas rather than all of them at once.  Or at least the pain isn't as great in the various areas.  Seems like you are dealing with it as best you can.  I agree - it doesn't take much to look around and see someone else in a worse condition.Hi Milly! Sorry to hear you've had such a rough week. When I flare, my knees and feet are always hit the worse. Mild flares usually involve my hands, elbows, shoulders, neck, and back. Not sure why it's that way, I'm sure it's different for everyone. I'm glad you were able to get out and go to the grocery store, and hope that you continue to feel better!
Hi Millie, I'm sorry you are in such a flare!    Hey Millie,
Sorry to hear you're in a flare. It surely does suck!
My flares generally hit my hips, knees, toes and for some odd reason, the tops of my feet; (In between my ankles and toes.) and like you, my jaw. I don't generally flare in my shoulders, elbows or back; but sometimes my wrists and hands get invited to the party.
As for feeling mentally bad; I try to do things that bring me happiness or just a smile. Looking at artwork on line instead of visiting a museum, if my hands are happy; I like to paint bird houses, and if they're feeling bad as well...I can always sit down with a heating pad and a good book!  Sometimes I just pull a chair up to the window and watch the squirrels play tag. That always makes me smile.
And hey, guess what? Those dishes will wait an eternity til you are ready/able to wash them. I used to be so anal about keeping my house in perfect order; even hurting myself to do it sometimes. I have come to realize I need to pick my battles more carefully. Is it more important to cause myself pain to have a clean kitchen or more important to make sure the litter boxes don't stink? I always rinse my dishes when I finish eating; so it's not as if they are sitting there growing fuzzies. All that "Spring/Fall/Holiday Cleaning"? Out the window! No one really cares if I have scrubbed my walls, woodwork or ceilings this year anyhow. Do what MUST be done; and leave the rest for later.
I hope you feel better right quick and can enjoy some pain free days ahead.

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