One of those days! | Arthritis Information


My car broke down coming home from work driving through an intersection.  I was lucky enough to get to the side and pull in a driveway.  I had to go buy antifreeze and refill my container, which I don't know why was out.  I had it serviced two weeks ago.  I think they skipped it.

I carried the giant jug, and there was no way I could have done that a month ago.  I got it cooled and brought it home and am borrowing my parent's spare car.  Thank goodness they have one I can use.

I got right knee pain though.  I swear it was brought on by stress.  As soon as I realized what was happening to the car, my knee started to hurt.  I really think that stress is the biggest factor.

Being on MTX, I miss a night like this being able to have a drink.  I would love to have a Mike's Hard Lemonade about now!

What was your day like?
Sorry you had such a bad day...hope your knee feels better soon.

Also sorry for your bad day. I am really going to recommend AAA to you. They come help you out with a problem like that. Don't hesitate to call your friends, family, anybody that cares for you.

I know I try and do everything on my own and stress does make everything much worse.

My day went well. The boss was out of the office, we had a birthday lunch and it was a relaxing day for a change.

Hope tomorrow is better.

Glad you got through your rough day. I agree that AAA comes in mighty handy with any kind of car trouble. Hey AZ---drink up! I asked my RD on Monday what was the acceptable amount of alcohol while on MTX and he said 1-2 drinks a couple of night a week was fine...just no drinking binges. So have a beer or glass of wine with dinner!That is excellent news, Crunchy!     Arizonara, I'm soooo sorry for you're car trouble. Hope that tomorrow is better and that knee isn't hurting.

   MarisaI hope there's nothing seriously wrong with your car, AZ - you need a break! My day was fine, but I walked a lot. I forget I can't really do that anymore, so I'm paying for it. Mike's Hard, huh? Have one on us!

AZ~I'm MTX as well and I totally agree with Crunch. So does my doctor.

I'll drink several glasses of wine over the course of a week. Always have.

Sorry to hear about your car problems. Have a drink for me!