Quote and Song of the Day | Arthritis Information


Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

 Dr. Seuss

Hi Lynn and everyone. Good song. I hope no one minds that I post one of my favorites. Again, this is for the "Love of my life". It is such an appropriate song and video for us. The first cartoon gif is exactly how we got together. I knew she was for me. She was like, "what the heck?" and I just kept pushing my love on her until it rubbed off on her. Anyway, she is the love of my life. And yep, she is a gift, a precious gift. Another of our dance songs. I remember the time when I asked if I could "have this dance"? And she said, "Larry, You can have this dance and all my future dances". Here is the song and video:

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