Any bird watchers here? | Arthritis Information


I never really was interested in birds before.  But recently just love watching them in my yard.  I'm just learning what each bird likes and trying to accommodate them all.  My husband thinks I've gone overbaord with them, but I know he enjoys them just as much. 

So far the the birds that regularly come by are:
Cardinals...I believe it's the same female and male that come by..just love these birds.
Goldfinches...beautiful birds and we seem to get a lot of them
House finches.
Hummingbirds...beautiful little guys.
Baltimore of my favs..apparently they love grape my husband made up a little feeder for them that holds the jelly and oranges.
Mourning doves...such gentle curious birds.
Grackles...tons of these guys come around to the back deck looking forward the the peanuts I put out for the squirrels.
There are a few more but I haven't identified them yet.
Oh..and we get the odd chipmunk looking for nuts as well.
I've been wanting to see some bluejays in the yard but so far, daughter gets them in her yard just and few streets up from me though.  Also wanting a woodpecker of some sort to stop by.
Anyway...they've provided so much entertainment for me the last couple of months and was just curious if anyone else enjoys/feeds the birds in their yard and interested in what kind of birds others get.
Hope everyone is doing well!
OH! OH! ME!  ME! *waving arm frantically* 






All around me, spring has arrived this morning.  I awoke to the sound of  a  tui’s beautiful song.    One lone  voice ,  which is quickly joined by others.

Later,  I watch a tui as he performs his aerial acrobatics -  turning himself upside down to drink the nectar from the emerging kowhai  blossoms.


I hear the swish of a wood pigeon on the wing as he  flies past  my window looking for a place to land.    He chooses,  I think unwisely,  a tiny frail twiglet of a branch on the skeleton  of the old oak tree.  He defies gravity,  by remaining there,  swaying,  watching,  until his partner too comes to join him. Together they fly off again, only to be replaced quickly by another roving pair.  And yet another pair arrives.   All around, tiny fantails are gathering, swirling and dipping as they practice their emerging  flight skills.   They have not yet learned to be afraid of me,  and come quickly down to  feast on the scraps of bread that I have scattered on the ground.   A soft, mysterious swishing of wings heralds the arrival of  yet another gloriously elegant wood pigeon, the sun  by now catches the magnificent colours of his beautiful plumage.   A tiny fantail perches beside him  -   not yet afraid of the big boys either.


I smell the freshness of  the dew.   Later the clamour of human beings and their machines will drown out these smells and sounds of  nature,  but that intrusion into the sensational beauty of this early morning will soon be followed by the delightful smell of freshly mown grass wafting on the gentle breeze.


As night becomes morning , and morning becomes afternoon, I am more and more aware of all the signs of springtime that are gradually emerging.  The sounds of the birds, the blossoms on the leaf bare plum tree and on the kowhai.


The soft spring rain changes the colours of my winter garden into those of springtime.


The springtime changes the colours of my mind after the long dark winter.



September 2000

Waddie...sounds like you'd be a great person to get bird advice from.  I'm glad to hear there are others out there that enjoy this as much as I have been lately.  I just wish I had started years ago.  I have a nice watering area for the birds and I see them using it regularly. I have different feeders up for different birds and so far they've all attracted the birds I set them out for.  Except for the baltimore far the BO's go to the nectar I have out for them, but I haven't seen them interested in the oranges or grape jelly that I set out for them.  I'll keep trying though. 
I don't have any cats here, but we do have a dog.  The birds seem fine with him though...they just go to the trees when he's out to do his business and they come back to the feeders when Eddie goes back inside.
I book marked that website and will take a look later tonight since I have some company coming by shortly.  Thanks for the info!
Kiwilass...another bird lover!  I enjoyed reading that...thanks,...I could see it all play out as I read it :)
Here are some photos for you to look at while you wait for your spring!
Kiwilass, such a great story!  I felt like I was there, sipping my coffee, enjoying the morning in New Zealand.  I was so interested, I just had to go online to see those birds!  One of these days, I would love to fly down under to see the birds you are talking about.  New Zealand has such unique birds and animals and is sooooo beautiful!  Thank you for sharing!

Kelstev, you are hooked m'dear!  Don't be discouraged by the non appearance of the orioles, they are very shy and don't like being watched.  They don't usually nest close to where they eat either, preferring dense, shrubby growth to weave their nest and raise their young.  This time of year, they like a little protein too, especially if they are raising babies, so if your local feed and seed has meal worms, you can buy them, keep them in your freezer and put some in your flat feed tray each morning.  The other birds will love this too!   The gold finches love niger seed and if you buy the feeder made for this type of seed, you'll get as much of a treat as they do!  We only have them here in winter and by March, they have all gone north.  Happy watching!

  ..instead of being the crazy cat lady, I'll be known as the crazy bird lady. 
Thanks for the info on the orioles..they really are shy birds aren't they. I'll see if I can find some meal worms...I'm excited to try something new.  So far the female oriole is going for the nectar...still not touching the oranges or grape jelly, but I'm going to have my husband change the feeder and the location (plus add the meal worm) of it and see if that works.  The hummingbird is coming by everyday and doesn't seem to be afraid of us...he/she was about 4 inches away from me today. I went to youtube and watched a few videos of ppl hand feeding birds.  I'd love to try that sometime.
I have niger seed out for the finches and of course they love it, but what surprised me was seeing the mourning doves up in the feeder that the niger seed is in.  I thought they were ground feeders.  I find the red winged black birds seem to like the niger seed as well. But they also go to the feeder with the black oil sunflower seeds. 
 Speaking of red winged black birds, I had posted on a bird watching forum asking to id a photo of a bird that was coming here regularly.  I believe it's in the set of photos from my post above.  Anyway, I was told it was a female red winged black bird.  I would never have guessed that it was a red winged black bird.  Totally surprised, but happy to find out what type of bird she was.
Sorry to be going on and on..I could keep going actually, but I'll stop for now.  Oh..btw..thanks for that website...really enjoyed it!
Snow...that's for your post...loved reading about your birds.  I would LOVE to have an owl around here!
