Beautiful Thursday Morning | Arthritis Information


Good Morning Everyone Lynn492011-06-02 09:25:29I've been away also.  Spent 10 days in Boise, Id. and we're home tomorrow.  Am ready to be home and get some Kitty Love, take care of my garden and just chill out.  I'm in the midst of the worst flare I've ever experienced and it's taken a lot out of me. It's hard to be out of yoiur element, act normal, be happy, etc. when you're in excruciating pain.  I'm existing on 25 mg. of Pred., pain medication and Celebrex until my RD appt. next week.  As far as I can tell, I'll start Rituxan in a few weeks. 

Lynn, so happy that you're home safe.  The weather is horrible everywhere, even here in Idaho.  We've had high winds, rain, cold and I just want to start back South to Nevada and the sunshine. Tomottow I'll see the sun, hopefully. 
Stan just made breakfast so will check in later.  Lindy
Happy afternoon all! I've also been partially away...I'm down in San Diego visiting my daughter and grandkids, so have only checked in briefly. Will be driving home tonight after traffic, so will try and catch up on posts tomorrow.

Lynn, glad you're home safely, and didn't experience too much tornado damage. And Lindy, I'm sorry you're feeling so badly. Hopefully that Rituxan will get started soon!

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their day!
