foot pain | Arthritis Information


Hi, it's been a while since I have posted, I have been feeling pretty good til last couple of weeks.. my issue is top of my foot around the toe area is really tender and swollen..I've always had issues with my feet,but it's only been on the bottom...sooo my question is does anyone else suffer with pain in this area??I have also cut down on methotreate...just hoping this is not Ra but something I did exercising..thanks for any info...(I know I probably shouldn't cut back on my meds...I get pain in that area quite frequently, Janlee. I attribute it to various sources...

Wearing sandles.
Sitting too long at the desk and letting my feet swell.
It's just RA pain stemming from the base of the toe joints.
I don't know if any/all of these are the culprits; I just know I get that pain a lot.
I just read your posts and I was surprised to find it, as I have been wondering the same thing.  For the last 2 weeks, the top of my toes (not my big toe) and the bottom on the foot pad by the toes have been hurting terribly with no let up no matter what meds I take to try and reduce the pain.  I can hardly wear shoes for more than an hour with out having to take them off...I am thinking it may be the RA attacking my toes.  A first for me.  The 2 toes next to my big toe are starting to turn away from my big toe...I don't think that's a good sign.  I can't believe Prednisone isn't helping either.  Any suggestions as to how to ease off the pain will be greatly appreciated?

My toes are getting too dam smart too. Turning any way they want to without asking! Geez. Also when I do take my sneakers off at night it feels like there is a piece of cardboard glued to the bottom of my feet. It feels so real that I sometimes reach down to touch them. What next?
Janlee, not sure about the tops of your feet, sorry. LOL@ jello...I don't know if my toes are getting any smarter but they damn well hurt like HADES...hehe

Yes jello, cardboard just about describes my foot pads too.  I couldn't have explained it any better myself...I guess tomorrow will tell us what in store for us next, I can hardly wait!

Have a great Sunday everyone,
Hey ladies.. sorry we are all suffering... my toes are really bad on one foot...of course that's the one that hurts... hope it doesn't decide to move to the other foot....hope we can all find relief......I've had that exact same pain - in fact, that pain in both my hands and feet was how RA initially struck.  I'm not having any issues right now, but during a flare, I've found relief from topical creams such as Icy Hot or Capzacin (in addition to the rest of the stuff my doc gave me).  The topical stuff can really help.  I also would use hot packs or cold packs on my hands and feet - I have a bunch of them in the freezer, and several holders with velcro straps.  And I wasn't ashamed to wear them on my feet at work if I was sitting at my desk. Hi all,

At one time i tried rubbing my aching joints with hot vinegar before going to bed and it really helped. Mix fresh carrot juice with equal parts of lemon juice and take one large teaspoonful daily it also relieves pain. Also try mixing two parts of olive oil and one part of kerosene oil and apply to the affected part of your body that is paining it has also been none to work.
