maybe walking helps? | Arthritis Information


I had the strangest experience ! Yesterday, my sister took me out for lunch . We took a nice long walk window-shopping afterward and so on--I felt stiff and awkward but wanted to keep going. I had been drinking a lot of waterHi freesia - there's plenty of evidence that gentle exercise really does help a lot in PMR. I used to have my best days when I had an aquarobics class first thing in the morning and 2 years ago I did notice that although walking from the apartment to the ski bus in the morning was quite difficult, the walk back at lunchtime was much much easier after a couple of hours skiing. My problem now is that I find walking a lot eventually makes my back ache so I have to find the right balance. I seem to go through a period of the legs feeling like jelly and then they start to feel much stronger before getting tired - I walked around Innsbruck last week for a couple of hours and didn't feel at all bad the next day, just a bit stiff. However - when I got back to the building where my husband was working the stairs were really daunting! And no option of a lift there - just a spiral stair all the way up. At least I only needed to get to the office which is on the first flight up!

I think what happens is that if you can find the right intensity of exercise the blood flow to the muscles improves enough to make them feel good - go too far and they ache because they had to work more than the blood supply was catering for, not enough and there is no benefit. The University on Innsbruck is doing all sorts of research into the use of modulated exercise in various diseases, especially metabolic things like diabetes, and its role in keeping us in good shape as we age - it's getting the right sort of exercise that's important.
Hi MrsE,
Thanks so much for that information!

I do have back problems too, and a neck problem. I haven't done enough walking with PMR to know if it will make them worse. I know what you mean about your legs feeling like jelly for awhile! That happens to me, too--even with the stationary bike riding I do every day, you'd think my muscles would be strong enough that this would not happen!

I'm glad you only had to climb one flight of stairs when you got back to the building! It's daunting to even see a set of stairs.

I always loved to walk, and knowing it can help gives me motivation to get out there and try.  I think I was feeling sort of discouraged, like life had flattened me out or I know, as hard as it is, to try not to let PMR get us down.

freesia2011-06-12 09:07:13hi freesia glad youare feeling a little better we all yearnfor good days dont we. before i was diagnosed i hadnt been feeling well and just thought my fitness levels where bad so i decided to try to walk for a short period each day but i just felt so tired doing it and my legs where like lead weights. since being diagnosed i have found an exercise that suits me  i go swimming i couldnt swim before but the relief i felt when i got into the pool made me determined. the only bad thing is i struggle getting dressed in the changing rooms. i think its probably a case of finding what suits you and finding the right balance i have sometimes even overdone it is hard not to feel discoraged but i think this forum helps a lot to keep us all going.
heres hoping today is a good one for all 
Dressing after swimming - take a dressing gown if drying is the problem and the easiest clothes you can find to put on after. I was OK getting dressed after exercise because by then I could move, it was dressing after a shower at home that really finished me so for the gym I put my swimsuit on when I got out of bed, and used the easiest elasticated waist trousers and a T-shirt. I showered at the gym before going into the water. Doing up a bra when you are still damp is interesting I agree! Doing up a bra with PMR is interesting if it comes to that!
lynseylou, I know what you mean. Oh how I yearn for good days. If you don't feel good and your legs feel like lead weights, it's hard to have the motivation to go for a walk! I was like that for so long, I think I just would sit and wait for the pain and stiffness to go away. Because I was just so uncomfortable, unhappy, and yes--angry.  I guess now that I am a little bit better--and used to having pain!--it's a little easier to get out and walk.

I go swimming, too! I go to a Warm Pool. I have to drag myself over there--it isn't close by; the hour I have to use it is around commute time, ugh, so there is traffic;when I get there I have to find a parking place on the street, and then afterwards I have trouble taking off the wet swimwear!! And I hate the moment after I get out of the pool--the gym where the showers are seems soooo cold. Oh well!!! After I get in the pool I feel like it's all worth it.  And the water is so therapeutic. It eradicates the pain for several hours after I swim. I highly recommend it to anyone who has access to a warm temperature pool.

Have a great day,
freesia2011-06-13 11:20:26Gee freesia, your story should motivate me. The pool I can use is nearby. But getting that suit off is one of the big obstacles and I agree about the cold when you get out of the pool. Still I am sure it would be of benefit to me. Just need enough energy to try it. Hi Nanatjjj, You are so lucky to have a pool nearby! For me, half the challenge is forcing myself to fight my way there ! I hear you about energy, though. Just keep considering it and when you feel better, you may be "psyched" up to to try it. The water is wonderful. I just do my PT exercises for about 20 minutes and then I swim laps for awhile.  Warm water is truly therapeutic.

Take care!
Hi Freesia,

Walking does help in more ways than one. I usually walk my dog regularly and it helps with the stiffness and by the time i get back home i feel lighter and in a much better mood ! To all of you guys keep up the active spirit!
Hi all,
I used to be a pretty avid hiker before PMR hit. I can't hike now, but I have found that walking helps me, too. My Rheumy advised me to just stay off hills, which is hard where we live in the mountains. So now we go to town where there's a level, paved walking path along the river. It's about a mile or so long. We're trying to teach our puppy to "heel", so that's a motivator. Plus, as the others have said, even when I'm tired (almost always) and feeling frustrated with this disease, it does cheer me up and helps with the stiffness. Also, it's "use it or lose it" as far as our muscles go! It's finding the balance between too much and too little that's the tough part. Payback is no fun...

   Started walking short distances 2-3 X a day with my new walking sticks that the P.T. had me get from Walmart. I can only go about 100 steps, but trying to increase it just a little.  I have been using 2 canes and still do that most of the day.  My P.T. says the walking sticks use some different muscles, so I have to get used to them gradually. Got a good report today from my P.T. that my overall strength is improving (I was probably in the minus column to start with!!!). Glad to hear some good news. Progress is slow, but at least progress.
I had stopped going to my grandsons games about 5 or 6 weeks ago because it took 2 people, my husband and daugther to get me out of the folding chair I used to watch the last game I attended.  That discouraged me so much that I had not been to a game since. Went to a game Monday night and the husband was able to help me out of the same chair with only one hand pulling. He was really pleased and pointed my progress out to me. Sometimes I forget that it was worse and still fret about what I cannot still do. It was a nice reminder that I am making progress.
Nanatjjj, I'm so happy for you that you are making progress! It's just great to hear. PT really can help if you get a sensitive person who pays attention to how you feel and what is going on with you. GREAT news!!! Thanks, freesia. My therapist is really a nice person. I am so glad to have her. I was a little hesitant to start therapy feeling pretty vulnerable. Plus I am obese and I dont need someone getting on my case about that when I am already hardly coping. I know I have to get at that problem too. But she has never mentioned it and stays focused on pointing out my improvements, be they small or larger. She sounds excellent, Nanatjjj. You are so right, you don't need someone getting on your case at all. It's hard enough coping with this disease....

Hope you have a pain-free day. I am doing better today. Yesterday I overdid it in the morning (trying to get errands done) so suffered in the afternoon. Today I am pacing my self better, but still doing my exercises and walking with my sticks.