Please read | Arthritis Information


I have been following this voting process for more funding for arthritis research, at they help you email your reps to try and get them to vote yet on the funding.  If you are interested, please do so.  I have a letter provided from that allows you to copy and send if you want a quick letter.

This isn't spam or anything, just something important to all of us. act.asp

In the upper right corner of the page they have where to put your zipcode and they will find the reps and help you send the email.


Here is a letter to send for quick writing:

On behalf of the 66 million Americans and the 300,000 children living with a form of arthritis, I request that you cosponsor the Arthritis Prevention, Control, and Cure Act (S. 424/H.R. 583).

Arthritis is a devastating chronic disease that causes overwhelming pain and permanent disability. It costs our country a staggering billion annually; billion in direct medical costs. Fifty percent of Americans with rheumatoid arthritis are forced to stop working within 10 years of diagnosis.

Americans diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis die five to 10 years earlier than persons without arthritis and 9,500 Americans died due to arthritis in 2003. Americans with rheumatoid arthritis face a significantly increased rate of cardiovascular disease.

These are a few of the hard facts about arthritis. Fortunately, there is hope. The Arthritis Prevention, Control, and Cure Act would:

* Strengthen arthritis public health initiatives, which would ensure that more people are diagnosed early and avoid pain and permanent disability.
* Ensure that our limited federal funding for arthritis research is used in the most strategic manner possible.
* Authorize a juvenile arthritis prevalence study and patient registry.
* Establish incentives so more medical students pursue a career in pediatric rheumatology.
* Authorize more juvenile arthritis research center grants.

Please help the millions of Americans living with arthritis by joining Senators Bond, Kennedy, Talent, Johnson, and Isakson, and Representatives Pickering and Eshoo in cosponsoring the Arthritis Prevention, Control, and Cure Act.

I'd help with this, but since I'm in Canada, I can't.

This is legitimate.

Google this: S 424/HR 583


I just sent my email to my local state representative.  

Thanks Shan---it is important!
