Medicare coverage for Actemra | Arthritis Information


I'm currently on Orencia and may be switching to Actemra if I can get coverage. ( I know Medicare covers the major cost of Orencia.)  For those few of you on Actemra, is anyone being covered under Medicare?  My doctor's office will be checking this out, but I'm just getting anxious and finding it hard to wait for their response.  Any info is appreciated!  Thanks!Hi Sharon! I don't know the answer to your question, but it will be interesting to see if someone does. I'm not on Medicare yet, but have applied for permanent disability and am hoping to be soon. I'm currently on Simponi, but it's been discussed switching over to Actemra. Hopefully someone else has experience with this. Good luck to you...hope it's covered without too much expense to you! acterma and orencia are both infusion medications therefore are covered identically under medicare Thank you both for responding.  Any and all info is helpful.  Thought I'd be starting Actemra in the next few weeks.  NOW, there is a possibility that I will be approved for Simponi (my original choice of drugs) through my private insurance.  No definite answer yet...lots of gray areas and it takes forever to get answers only to find they often change!  Thanks again.  Wish the best for you with your present treatment of RA!