Mission Impossible 3? | Arthritis Information


Just wondering who was going.

I personally am upset with Tom Cruise saying we just need to be on vitamines and eat right to get rid of RA, so i won't be going.  Even my husband who LOVES this type of movie is mad enough not to go.

Just wondering about any of you out there.

I can't stand Tom Cruise!  I won't be going and I know quite a few people that will not see this movie because of him. 

After reading your post, I had to bring out my new avatar

Did you hear that Brooke was having her baby at the same time in the same hospital as Ms. Katie last night? Strange isn't it?

No~I haven't seen any of his movies in a very long time. I think he's a tiny little jerk. AND I think his girlfriend has been brain washed.

I also think he is very very strange lately. I used to be a fan, but ever since he has been on this "high", I don't know what to think. Is he loosing it? I was shocked at what he said about Brook and that women should just exercise more and take vitamins. Really? What makes it even worse is he is a man... what does he know about giving birth and motherhood???? Not to mention all the hormonal and physical changes a woman goes through. I say let him experience one menstral cramp and see how miles he wants to jog, and how many vitamins he feels he would like to take! I have seen my friend battle post pardom depression. If someone on those talk shows only had the guts to tell this actor that he really should know something about what he is talking about before he makes a fool of himself.

Ok, rant over. lol


Folks he just doesn't understand.  I won't belittle Scienctology, because everyone has a right to their beliefs, but it is not right for a person who believes in this belief, to belittle anyone else that doesn't follow their beliefs.  Tom Cruise is in love and full of  himself that he believes everyone who is around him is suppose to embrace whatever he believes at the moment.  You can tell the man is not right in the mind when he divorces a lovey woman like Nicole Kidman.  If I was Katie Holmes dad I would get my daughter far away from him as soon as possible. Think of it folks if she shows any indication of postpartum depression Tom will be shoving all kinds of vitamins down her throat to cure her!!!!Well, that & the fact that she wasn't allowed to make a sound during labor. Arrogant little weasel.  I read that he said he is going to eat the placenta.  
Sorry if any of you believe in that but -- Tom Cruise is no favorite of mine. I can't stand his films.Tom Cruise is an arrogant, self involved, pompous rat who needs a big fat kidney stone to pass through is urinary tract while he lays strapped to a table with duck tape over his mouth and a poster hanging in front of him reminding him to be quiet and take his vitamins! I would not spend one penny on anything that he is involved with. I think he is a weirdo and a moron. I dont think a whole lot more of Katie Holmes. She may look sweet and childlike, but she is an adult and is certainly old enough to know that she has brought a child into the world with an out of control, aggressive father. I feel bad for Brooke Shields and esp. Matt Lauer. If only Tom would have kept his business to himself. Shame on him! arizonara38826.9225347222Ha!Oh God, that's funny! What a way to start the morning. Thanks, Arizonara!

Too funny AZ!! That's just hilarious!!


At least he is not running for president.


ooohh, that's a seriously scary thought!

It is scary, but not the first time we've had an actor or an idiot for president. But I don't he has anyone but Kate fooled. So, maybe we are safe after all. Arizonara those pics were hysterical  I wonder if he  realises how much people can't stand him????  meme


Tom Cruise is a mis -guided individual...One day he will have to account for his behaviour.

rofl those pics were funny :)

My husband is so angry with Tom that he won't see the movie and he LOVES that series and was waiting for the next one.  But, he doesn't want his money in a person like that's pocket.

He decided to watch it on video when he no longer will make a dime off it.

I remember, we went to see war of the worlds this last year and I thought of what he said all through it.  I couldn't get it out of my head, i knew i wouldn't see another one again.

I was just thinking of this thread today...saw a comercial with Tom in it and made me think... what happened with Matt Lauer?? I missed that. dar773338830.177025463Oh girl! In the interview with Matt Lauer, Tom started getting red in the face and wagging his finger at Matt and telling him "you dont know about these things and I do" in reference to the issues of Psychiatry and the post-partum depression deal. I will see if I can find an article on it for you.



UUGGGHHH!! I just read it again and God he is so annoying and rude! What a jerk!

My daughter is bipolar. Without those meds that stablize her, she either wants to hurt herself or kill herself all the time. Without them, she tries to substitute alchohol. Before she went on them, she told me that she had never experienced a happy mood.

She is still struggling because there is a lot more to recovery than  medications. But with her moods stablized, she now can function most of the time and there are many times now that she tells me she feels happy. She also wants to live. She still fights depression, but she no longer wants to kill herself. Because of the meds, she can start to cope with life now, something she couldn't do at all before.

Tom probably has some problems and someone has told him that he does and he doesnt want to face it. That's just a guess of course. But he doesn't argue intelligently or even respectfully.

But it is obvious he does not know what he is talking about.

Thanks for the article! I never knew he was that rode to Matt! Wow. I think Matt handled himself well. In those situations, I get so frustrated and red, I can't think clearly to come back with good counter arguements. It must have been hard for Matt Lauer, but really, when you read it, you find the key to disarming people. State your opinion or your side of the topic, but first complement them. I got to remember that one! lol

My take on it is that Tom was on Ritalin when he was younger. Maybe he was over drugged and now he is on a mission sort to speak. Still, it doesn't give him the right to tell anyone they don't know anything. He read up on it. Ok. He is not the be all end all on the topic.... and Matt pointed that out really well. Wow. I am shocked at the interview. You can be passionate about something, but really...


I am grateful for alot of the medications that are out there. I have been on Ritalin and Adderall. What does he think, I should do some jumping jacks and eat an apple and then I will be able to focus better? As far as Tom Cruise or Tomkat goes, I won't waste my time nor energy going to their movies nor renting them. When he was doing all of this jumping on couches and making statements, both had movies coming out!!!

MarisaYou know, he is on "herbs".  There are so many natural herbs out there worse than our drugs that do the same thing, but scientologists think cuz they are natural they are different, but they aren't.Really? Well, it would explain a LOT. I was watching him on Oprah and when you look into his eyes, you can tell there is something very wrong. He lookes so spaced. I have been in love before. Sure, it makes you do very strange stuff and you do get on everyone else's nerves at some point in time,but really! This man has a problem. I am so shocked nobody close to him (other famous people included) is getting him help!

I am so glad I opened this thread.  You guys got me laughing and boy did I need it.  Did you know that Scientology believes aliens created the earth.  Now that is funny.  I loved the pics.  I have always hated Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman is lucky to be rid of him.  Did he say something specifically about RA?  THANKS FOR CHEERING ME UP GUYS.

xoxoxox  memeDo any of you like Dane Cook?  He does the most hilarious impression of Tom Cruise.  
That was great!!
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