Having a "low energy day"... | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing better than I am today...I gave my Methotrexate shot on Sun.-as usual, and I'm having a "very achy and LOW energy day..."

Just needed to reach out to you guys
Hope you all have a great day and a week full of energy!
Hi Sandy,

Sorry to hear about the "low energy day" i hope and believe that in a few days you will be just fine. MTX does that sometimes so cheer up ! Sandy,  After being on mtx for quite a few years, I have learnt to factor in the days when my body and brain might be operating less efficiently than usual.  But then  "Arthur" likes to play tricks on us and sometimes we have a good day or a bad one, just out of the blue with no explanation.  I make the most of the times my body feels better, and have learnt to work around bad times - but it did take a long time to accept  :(   Is easier now that I am no longer going to work; at least being home the chores can be scheduled according to energy  lol!Thank you both, for your kind words...
There are just days like today where everything seems SO gloomy, regardless of a sunny summer day...(I even missed work, since I wasn't even able to get out of bed!) Thank-God for laptops
Hopefully the rest of my week will be full of more energy...all the best to you guys!
Hi, Sandy. I just started MTX pills. How much MTX are you injecting a week. I was taking five pills, then one of my liver enzymes went up, so I had to stop the MTX for a couple of weeks and now I will start it again but at only three pills a week. I am really sensitive to meds, so I wasn't all that surprised. Just disappointed. I always take my MTX on Friday night, so I am off the next day when I know I will be tired. The MTX was starting to work before I had to stop it though. Hope all goes well this time. Hope you feel better soon, sweetie. You are not alone.Well sandy I'm having a NO energy day so things could always be worse.
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