Hi BP and Leflunamide | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone, back from my two week intensive 'holiday'.  Trying to keep up with 5 active adult sightseers in Aberdeen was certainly a challenge and then having family back here for a week was another!  Luckily the family get right in there and help themselves and I took time-out in Aberdeen, but it will still take me a week or so to get back to normal, whatever normal is!

On the day I was to fly to Aberdeen, I went to have my MXT injection only to be told that my BP, (which I was having monitored due to startingLeflunamide,) had risen to 156/115.  Whoops.  There was no doctor around early in the morning, and no clinical nurse specialist either,  so I had a quick panic, spoke to the Rheumatologist's secretary and went to see my GP who was as much help as a cholcolate teapot!  By the time I had reached home, 1/2 an hour before going to the airport, my Rheumy had phoned and left a message with my husband, 'Stop the medication!'  So I have, and my latest BP after 2 weeks off leflunamide is now 140/105.  It took about 3-4 weeks to put my BP up so I guess it will take about the same to go down, but it is going in the right direction, albeit slowly!

I'm not hurrying to see them re the next step.  My next scheduled appointment is 8th May, I can wait until then!

Sending good vibes to all, hope spring is treating you all well.


I didn't know that arava would cause bp to go up.  Hmmm...and so for them to have you stop the mtx, does that mean the mtx makes it go up as well?  I've never read of that or heard that, but then again my bp is good so I've not asked or been told anything about that issue.

Hope you're feeling good Dawn,


You are one calm lady. Glad things are  more normal now. MTX can really do you in. I'm getting over a particularly bad flare after taking MTX that involved IBS. I think stress plays a part too.  I had to take my MTX right after a really tense meting at work to decide my future.

Sorry Kelstev. I can't have been  too clear, I meant that the Rheumy told me to stop the Arava, not the MXT.  Sorry for the confusion.

And I'm afraid I can't own the phrase 'chocolate teapot', it's used here in the UK, but that's because we drink a lot of tea!!!


I'm going to have to remember the "chocolate teapot" phrase
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