allergies in the family | Arthritis Information


I have been hoping and praying that my two kids (25 and 30) will not get RA. Both have drug allergies like me and one has environmental seasonal allergies. My daughter just emailed me from Belise where she was horseback riding in the jungle with a guide and her boyfriend far from civilization. She was stung on the rear by wasps and from what I understand, went into anaphalaxis. She almost died.  She broke out in a rash, her hands and feet swelled, her heart hurt. She couldn't see and then lost consciousness. Luckily, her boyfriend and the guide got her to someone with a truck and they raced to the hospital. After an IV of antihistamines and cortisone she pulled through. They wanted to keep her overnight for observations but being young and poor, she refused.  I emailed her about getting an epi pen to carry with her.  This allergy business runs in my family and from what I'm reading here, there seems to be a connection between allergies and RA. Both aare auto immune conditions.  Anyone out there have severs allergies?

OMG...I'm sure that was pretty scary for her...then of course for you as well to hear just never know eh? I'm so glad she was with someone and she's ok. 

No severe allergies here...just kinda mild for me and my daughter isn't bothered by them tho.

Glad your daughter got the quick help she needed.  That had to scare you!!!

No allergies here - so can't help you there.  Hugs and good vibes.

Kelstev and toomany, I'm so happy she survived. I've been on a high all day even though I'm on a methetrexate low.

an epi pen is a MUST for her now... everywhere!

The allergic reaction your daughter had was the true definition of an allergy... which tends to be confused with intolerances, which are not life threatening.  Also... what you read may have been talking about seasonal allergies and not the fatal kind of allergy to a bee or something like shrimp.  Is that possible you got them mixed up?

When they say auto immune diseases "go" together, they are usually talking about ones like RA, SS, thyroid probs, MS, etc... the REAL nasty buggers!    My sister (not related to me genetically) has super bad seasonal allergies and doesnt have arthritis or anything else.    

I would personally just concentrate on her immediate situation.  Trust us all here... you dont want to look down that RA road unless you are having symptoms of it... and then tests can be done, etc.  Plus, ther are too many auto immune diseases out there, you would go crazy with worry.  No sense to worry about what MAY be... and look at those reports of studies carefully and with a critical, scientific eye.  Some can be bogus while other are totally objective and pure science.  good luck to your gal!

I don't have any allergies, but my father has severe ones. I was so scared reading your post! I am glad your daughter is alright though. That must have been very scary for her. I can't even imagine! Her boyfriend too. I think an epi pen is a must too. My father has one, but keeps it at home in his night table... which I think is silly. It should be on him at all times! Especially when he goes to Florida every winter. A lot of good the pen will do up here in Canada!


Just emailed my daughter to tell her about getting the epi pen when she gets home. Thanks friends for the concern.Linda- I bet you were freaking out with her being so sick and so far away! I am glad (for both of you) that she pulled through. I think that the hives that I get are somehow related to the RA. I have had multiple tests and no one can explain the cause of the hives. I do have seasonal allergies, mold allergies (causes me to faint), latex sensitivity, vinyl allergy, Mangos cause chapped lips (on my Mom too), eczema, and RAD (reactive airway disease). Weird huh?Crunchy, I didn't know about my daughter's episode until after the fact when she emailed me. I was beginning to worry because she usually keeps in touch every few days. I too have severe allergies including drugs like sulfa and penicillin and all nsaids and silk, dust, mold, pollen. You name it I have it. It is really hard for me to be on all the medication I'm taking and I'm sure a lot of my problems are due to drug intolerances. I am still getting a site reaction from enbrel 10 months after starting it. MTX takes me days to recover from. I do think there is a connection between allegies and RA for at least some people.How scary! I am so glad that your daughter is going to be okay.

I am allergic to everything, well it feels like it anyway. I am alleric to a whole list of medications, foods, environmental, etc. I have gone into anaphylactic shock more times than I can remember. In 1999 I was hospitalized for 1 month with 13 days in ICU, 5 days on a ventilator. That time was after a sweet roll that was not properly labled and appearantly had walnut oil. I am a flight attendant, currently on med. leave, and was working the flight when this happened. The pilot ended up having to emergency land the plane! How embarrassing! Anyway, needless to say, I am very blessed to be alive! The doctor now has me carrying 6 epi pens with me when I travel, so that the reaction should never get that out of control again & they would most likely not need to emergency land any planes on my account.