Hoping to get some info on RA meds | Arthritis Information


Hi Everyone,

I have recently been diagnosed with RA, just 4 mths after giving birth to my healthy baby girl.  She is my only child.  I have been through months of extreme pain and I have finally seen a Rheumatoligist who started me on Prednesone.  Since I have been taking this I have felt wonderful, it's almost as if there is nothing wrong with me, but I have to continually decrease the dosage every three days and she dosen't want me to take it long term because of the side effects.

I am starting Methotrexate today and am very nervous about the side effects that come along with it.  I feel very anxious and nervous and I don't really know very much about the drug.  If anyone has any infomation about Methotrexate or has even been on this drug I would appreciate any information you could give me. 

P.S. I was also told by my Rheumatoligist that it is near impossible to go into remission with RA and not have to take medications.    Does anyone know anything about this.  Just curious if I will have to stay on meds forever, or if there is a possibility of ever getting off them.

This is all so new and scary to me, I feel very alone and am finding it hard to accept this.  I would really, really apprecate any information from anyone who's been there.

Thanks and hope to hear from anyone who has some information for me.

The question is do you plan on having any more children? If so I wouldn't take mtx. My doctor says it causes birth defects and it can effect your reproductive parts. I take methotrexate this will be my fourth week no changes yet but I had two chidren already and had my tubes tied. I'm only 23 to much stress on the body. If you have any concerns about the meds talk with your doctor if he won't any answer your questions. try talking with your primary care physician or switch doctors. MTX is used to treat RA but they have no idea how it helps internally speaking. They know it can slow down or stop the progression of the disease. there is tons of info. on the internet just type in methotrexate and search you will find some the answers to your questions. Every person is different so the medication reacts differently.

Keep in mind that not all people suffer from the side effects. (mouth sores, nausea, vomiting, liver problems and others. I would look at all this info. yourself. Knowledge is power.

I wish you lots of luck in your search for answers. I know how scary it is.

Hi, I know that metetrexate is a kind of chemo. People with cancer take much higher does than people with RA. It is toxic so you can't take it while pregnant or there is the possibility you could become pregnant. You would have to ask your doctor if it is safe to take if you plan to have more kids later. I have been on it for about a year but am almost 60 and my child bearing days are over. Some people have no side effects and some do.  I have had a rough time adjusting to it. For most people with side effects there is nausea or diarhea, sometimes mouth sores and usually fatigue the following day. I have severe reactions to many medications so I probably have more difficulty than most.  I don't have the nausea, but am dizzy and not as clear headed on metetrexate days. The next day I'm tired and try not to plan too many activities.  I can function if I have to, but I'd rather take it easy that day. Some people on very high doses experiece some hair loss, but not like cancer patients. My hair is thinner but I am probably the only one that notices.

There are many medications for RA and they don't all affect people the same way. You just have to be patient and try different combinations until you find the ones that work for you. Usually, you adjust to the side effects with time. Good luck and keep posting.

Hi - I started MTX two weeks ago. So far, so good. No nausea - both times I took it, on the 3rd day, I felt really funny, but not sick. Just kind of weird. Shaky, my heart racing a little. Nothing really serious. Make sure you take folic acid with the MTX, though.

When I asked my doctor if I could ever go off the meds, she shook her head - not really. But some people ARE pain free for very long periods of time. It's kind of like being diabetic. You take the meds, you feel fine. But you never quit taking the meds, and you adjust them over time.

Good luck, and congratulations on your baby!
Mtx is probably the best med you can initally take. Often doctors will
gauge the next course of treatment depending on what it does for you.

As for having kids that is not out of the question. You just have to plan.
Dr.'s will say that you have to be off the mtx for 3 months....I stayed off it
for 6 cause I was super paranoid. I started mtx at 19 so of course at the
time I wasn't even thinking kids. Well, years pass and now I have a 2 1/2
year old boy.

My biggest piece of advice to you is to make sure the you like your dr.
and will be willing to work with him for a while. Much of RA is finding the
right combo of medicines that allow you to get back to your life. That
means you need a dr. that will listen to you and answer those crazy
questions that pop into your head that second you walk out of the dr.


Hi Kim. 

I gave birth in January  to a healthy boy (my first child also)and was diagnosed with RA 2 months later.  I know how you feel... I didn't know anyone with RA and was scared of taking these meds.  I told the doctor that I want more children and he said I would have to get off the drugs in order to do this.  Mtx you need to be off it for one cycle, but to be on the safe side, my doc suggests 3 months.  I'm also on suflasalazine and prednisone.  I plan on trying to get this under control before I try to get pregnant again.  My ob. says that you are very unlikely to get pregnant while on mtx, and if you do it will probably abort (something to do with inhibiting rapid cell growth).  Anyway, you are not alone in this.  Everything you wrote is pretty much exactly how I feel, too.  Hope things get better for you.  I have good and bad days about accepting this...

Can I ask how old you are?  I'm 31.  Take care!


Hi Kim...welcome!

Congratulations on your baby girl!

I've been on methotrexate for about 14 years now.  I've had no problems with it.  I was very afraid to take this drug and actually put it off for a while hoping I wouldn't need it.  But I eventually had to go on it, I was in to much pain.  Over the years it's had to be increased plus add a couple of other drugs to it, but overall it's been a very good drug for me.

Don't get too worked up over the things you read about methotrexate (although I do understand...was there myself) Hopefully it'll be the drug that works for you

Good Luck!


Welcome Kim.

Does anyone have information on MTX? Girlfriend....you've come to the right place. You'll make a ton of friends here with lots of experience with this wonder drug. I myself have been on it for over 4 years and it has made a big difference for me.

Phxgirl makes a good point about future children though. Discuss it with your doctor. I've had the children I plan to have....but since being on MTX I have entered menopause. I'm now 35 but started the menopause process at 33. No doctor ever mentioned that this could happen but turns out it can. Could have been the RA itself; but I think it's due to the MTX. Had I wanted more children I think I would have been very upset that no one ever warned me this could happen.

Glad you're here. Hope to see more of you.

Hi there Kim....Welcome to the board and I hope that you get all the info you need.  I've been on Mtz for one month.  I also take steroids and am on enbrel and some other meds.  For the last year I've had a severe flare of RA.  Initially I was homebound for about 3 months and during that time I was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism.  I went on steroids and was able to function enough to start exercising.  I started Mtz and after 4 weeks I feel better than I've felt in over a year.  I've been able to taper my steroids down to 10 mg day from the 25 mg I was taking 6 weeks ago.  I can golf, water exercise, take long walks and am back to making jewelry and silversmithing.  So far it's given me my life back. 

I am bone weary for about 24 hours and during that time I just take it easy.  I know it's hard to take it easy with a newborn but if you're tired just make sure that all you plan on doing that day is your child's care.....leave the laundry for another day and plan on a simple supper.  If you're working you'll have to plan that time carefully so you don't stress yourself too much. Good luck and look on the internet about Mtz.  Listen to the good stories about Mtz and don't stress too much about the drug. 


Hi and Welcome-Lovie is right, youve come to the right place for info! You will find that alot of women experience their first symptoms of RA or other auto-immune diseases after child birth. All of the diseases seem to overlap a bit or require the treatments. So even if you know someone with Chrones Disease or Lupus, they would understand alot of the meds, etc that you are dealing with.  I am 31 and have been taking MTX for about 2 1/2 months. I dont think it has really started to work for me, or maybe it wont work. I just recently had another drug added to my mix called Plaquenel. I was VERY nervous about starting the MTX. I was really worried about side effects. I didnt have anything that was very extreme, just bothersome. Like fatigue after taking the med and development of mouth ulcers. That didnt occur untill a few weeks of being on it. The Folic Acid has helped some of the side effects, I just had to increase the dose of the Folic Acid.

I wont tell you not to worry, because that is unreasonable. All of us worry about our health. But I will tell you that there is some good news here...There are alot of resources and you can get good advice from all of us and by going through the Arthritis Foundation website. Feeling alone and scared can be the worst things about any disease. Always remember  that you are not alone in this, and be sure that you look for the joyful things in your life (like your new baby).  Those are the things that will lift you up above your fears.

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