Thank you for this forum | Arthritis Information


I can't even begin to express what this forum means to me already even though I'm a newbie here. I have never got to really talk to anyone else who has RA and it can be such an isolating disease as you lose the ability to get out and do things.

Everyone seems to have just a bit more information that helps.


I's nice to be able to talk with others who know what we're going through and who have suggestions to any problems we may have.  We have a nice little group of people here

We're glad you're a part of it. AND~Susan Lee......speak up more!! We don't hear enough from you sister!!

   This is a terrific place to go to. When I feel alone, tired, misunderstood, blue, all I have to do is login and there you all are giving advice, making me laugh with those stories, and most important giving me a feeling of finding a place where I don't feel like I'm in this by myself.
   I feel as if all of you have become a part of my life and that we can all support each other, laugh, vent, and even cry together. Having RA is scary and thank God that AI is here.

   MarisaYes, this forum is terrific.  Really supportive and loads of good info.  I also check it daily as I know no one personally with RA and also find it can be so isolating and misunderstood.  Thank heavens for the internet!!!!!!!!!!! I really enjoy it here too. Lots of good advice and really great people. I dont know what I would have done without my friends here!

After being away from home for five years, I moved back in with my folks to save money until I go back to university and start a new and better life. The job I have now really isn't that great. I want more and can do a whole lot better. It has been hard. My mother has had arthritis in her thumb and foot, but it doesn't really bother her that much. So far, she has been in pain maybe once every few months. My last flare was so painful and I was so swollen.I thought I would call in sick for two days and just rest up my knees and ankles so the swelling would go down. No way. They wouldn't have it! "try to sit down when you can" they would tell me. As long as I lived under their roof.... well, you know how the saying goes. I was so angry! It is not easy when people don't really understand.

My parents are very supportive of me and all my health problems. My husband knew that he was marring a sick person. It not like I have ever been the healthiest person. I don't understand what the problem is.