could it be remission? | Arthritis Information


Hi-I have RA for nearly three years.  On Enbrel and MTX for more than four months. Now, I don't have any swelling or tender joints.  Before I had nearly 10.  Also, my blood tests continue to be normal for almost 3 months.  I don't have morning stiffness or fatigue.  I can walk more than one hour continously.  Before, my legs shook even walking one block for about 15 minutes.  Has Enbrel and MTX induced clinical remission?  Should I continue to take the drug combination?  Any commens welcome.    Sounds like you have a great combo for you and they are working great at your dose.  Congrats on feeling better.It sounds like remission in the sense that the meds are really doing their job. My doctor said you should be on the meds for at least a year without symptoms before you even consider cutting back, because the disease can come roaring back. This is exactly where you want to be!!! Congrats.

I agree with Fiona.

Welcome Babyhang. It's a great sign that your symptoms have practically disappeared....but don't be too quick to change what's working.

Many of us have to work for years to acheive the results you are speaking of. Enjoy it for a good long while before you even consider making any changes at all.

Things could change for you very quickly if you were to alter your combination of meds....and then it might not be so easy to get you back to this level. GIve it some time.

Stay on the meds.  What  I have found out is every time I am taken off the meds, they are less effective when I go back on.  It is wonderful you are feeling so good.  Stay that way. 

About two years into it (I think) I was on weaker DMARDS. Plaquinel, Sulfersalizine....and some antinflamatories. It's been so long I can't remember. ANYWAY; I told my doctor I was cured!! I was fine.....didn't need the meds. Couldn't afford them, didn't like taking them....flat out was better and didn't need them. She said "It's only medication induced and and once you stop the meds it will be back and stronger than ever. WELL; me being the type that likes to learn from experience had to try. Well as you can figure out by the mear fact that I'm here didn't last long. And just as my doctor warned it was much worse when we tried to start my treatment again. It's taken stronger and stronger medications every year.

I'm not on 25mg MTX as well as Humira weekly and just this month have I begun to think I'm doing much, better. Although my doctor and I discussed maybe lowering my MTX dose in about 6 months I know for a fact that I'll never be able to make it without my meds. It's just something I've accepted.

I imagine there are some out there they can and will go into "remission". I'm just not sure it's possible with out medication. At this point in my life I'll be happy to live a fairly pain free life with my medication. When you've been through the hell many of us have been through.....that's a pretty good compromise.

I hope you are in remission, it sound like it. Good for you! Dont mess with a good thing though...hopefully over time you will be able to decrease your meds. I am glad you are finally feeling normal again.If it isn't broke, don't fix it!  I say do whatever you are doing.  I hope it is remission.  Congratulations on feeling so good.   I agree with arizonara "if it isnt broke, dont fix it" I am on the same combination, Just about 6-8 months ago I added MTX with my Enbrel and its been great. I still have some of that morning stiffness and joints act up ocassionally but I was also nearly 5yrs without meds sooo, a lil pain for me is a walk in the park. Enjoy your painfree life :) Thank you my friends for your encouragement.  I will definitely stay on the drug comb.  It is very nice to have your valuable advice before any mistakes could happen.  I wish you all doing well.  With TNF, I am very hopeful for the future.  Both MTX and TNF are good drugs  and they are safer than NSAIDS.  Thanks again.   