stressful weekend | Arthritis Information


I just have to vent after the weekend I had!

Hope this week things get better for ya Jay. Hang in there girl.

OMG Jay.  That is quite a story !!!!  I am so glad you survived it.  I think it is time for you to play a little hookie from work maybe I think that anyone with or without RA would of had a bad weekend if it was like yours.You are very strong. I never would of made dinner after all that. Jay,
What a weekend you had. If it had been me, I would have totally lost it when the dog peed on the furniture. It's bad enough with the pipe leaking, hope it was clean water and not gray water. No wonder you're too poop to go.
   Hope that you're feeling better and that the water leak is finally fixed.

   I've had a on going water leak in my carport and it's from the sewer line that runs from the back apts out to the main line. The landlord has done a mickey mouse repair and I'm just waiting for the carport ceiling to fall.

   MarisaThanks everyone! I think the rest of my week will be a breeze compared to the weekend. I only had to work 11 1/2 hours yesterday so I think today is my day to sleep all day if I can. Hopefully everyone is having a great week!!