anti-ccp pos is it RA | Arthritis Information



I'm wondering if I have a pos RF and a POS CCP can I still not have or develope RA. I have read  a bit online saying You have a 96.5 chance of getting it with these results.  Also can You have RA with min swelling and NO sed rate?

Thanks Kathy

kat34138847.6091782407I'm not an expert on lupus but I 've read that a positive rheumatoid factor can also point to other autoimmune diseases as well as things like mono. I don't think the tests are that definitive. All my blood work was negative  for years and I saw a rheumatologist for 8 before the blood work finally came back positive with a positive rheumatoid factor.  All other tests continue to be ok. Since the RA diagnosis I've been formally  diagnosed with several other autoimmune diseases. I think I've had this disease for many years. Believe in yourself and keep good medical records so when you visit the various specialists you have all your medical information together for them to peruse. Eventually it will get sorted out.Well, I just went to my Rheume today.  The results of my anti-CCP were 69.  Anything over 60 is a strong positive.  I was officially diagnosed today w/ RA.  It's crazy, but it's kinda nice to know I'm not crazy after all!  The way I was told was that if you have a positive anti-CCP and symptoms than you definitely have RA.  If no symptoms of RA are present, than you have a 95% chance of developing the disease.  I hope this helps.When I went in for my second doctor visit she said my blood work was good and the x-rays showed swelling in the feet and the MRI's all showed erosion. Hand and feet both showed erosion. She said she wanted to start. Mtx and that was it. I guess she figures since I went though all of this when I was young there was no need for extra explaination. She said to call if  I had any questions and I did. What is CCP? I second that, what is ccp?


Hi All and thanks for the resposes. I am going to wait until I can get my insurance back from my job in NOV before I look into other Doc's I got married in June and dropped my health ins


Thanks Kathy

Wow I wonder if I had that blood test done I wil have to ask next time I go in. I don't even know if my RF was positive or not.