Nail Fungus | Arthritis Information


  I now have fungus on (under?) almost all my fingernails as well as a few toenails. It has gone from black to green and yellow and white. I saw a doctor yesterday who sent off a sample to be analysed. It looks exactly like the picture posted on another board at

Has anyone else had this experience?

I have RA, OA, Meniere's Disease, and Kidney stones.


What did the doctor think about it? Did he give you anything for it?

I heard someone recomment Vick's Nasal Rub for toe nail fungus on another board that I mingle on. Several people chimed in to say "Yes, it sounds crazy but it works!!" you might give it a try if your doctor didn't recomment something. I haven't had any problem with that myself...but these folks swear by it.

Hope you get the mystery cleared up soon...and it's not painful in anyway.

