Honest Advice Please | Arthritis Information


This is my first post and I am desperate for some advice. I have been
having problems, which I suspect are related, for almost three years.
I am sorry that there is so much information to follow, but I don't
know where to turn. Nobody wants to listen. I just turned 45, and up
until a couple of years ago, I was playing music professionally,
mowing my own lawn, distance running, and leading an active
healthy lifestyle. Now, I feel very lucky to make it through the day at
my desk job, and manage dinner and dishes for my family. A
synopsis of my progression from health to whatever this is follows.
Thank you for your patience.

July 2003. Saw orthopedic surgeon for ganglion cyst. Was diagnosed
with tenosynovitis and trigger finger. Surgery was scheduled, but the
cyst burst while changing a flat tire and hasn’t returned. I still have
problems with the trigger finger.

Sept. 2003. Developed a blistery, itchy rash on both feet that I
assumed was athlete’s foot and treated as such. It only became
worse with cracking and bleeding. It resolved with the application of

Oct. 2003. Rash developed on hands, similar to that on feet. Saw GP.
Diagnosed dishydrotic eczema. Finally resolved with lots of
emollients and neosporin.

Oct. 2004. Pain, stiffness and swelling developed in hands and then
feet. The majority was in the pointer fingers on both hands in the
joint closest to the hands and in the corresponding joints on big
toes. Saw GP (different one of same group). Diagnosed
Osteoarthritis. Bloodwork came back normal. Prescribed Ketoprofen.
Caused major stomach problems. Treated with aspirin and tylenol
and tried my best to live with it.

Mar. 2005. Diagnosed with periodontal disease.

April 2005. Began to have horrible foot cramps. Still had
considerable swelling,pain and stiffness in hands and feet. Saw
another GP who at initial visit said that I had some kind of
inflammatory arthritis. Did same blood work again and had x-rays of
hands and feet. Diagnosed erosive osteoarthritis.

Developed significant swelling in both ankles that came and went
numerous times (and still does) without pain or stiffness and
developed pain in both knees.

June 2005. Had shingles.

Aug. 2005. Had a tooth pulled and developed lock jaw. Lost an
incredible amount of weight (weighed 83 lbs., 5’5”). Was very ill.

Sept. 2005. Developed a pustular rash on both legs, concentrated
mostly on thighs. Saw yet another GP (same group). Was prescribed
steroids for both the rash and arthritis. It was like a miracle. I felt
great. But, as soon as I stopped the steroids, all symptoms came

Oct. 2005.Had a bone density exam. Diagnosed osteopenia.
Prescribed Fosamax.

Nov. 2005. Developed neck pain.

April 2006. Saw yet another GP (same group). Says arthritis has
moved to spine. Says all he can do is prescribe steroids and a muscle

Now steroids and muscle relaxers are gone and symptoms have
returned. At present, I have swelling in fingers, toes and ankles; pain
in fingers, toes, knees and neck; am absolutely exhausted and
unsure what to do. I am currently taking Fosamax, Disalcid and
Tylenol. They allow me to function, but I am miserable and worried. I
know there is something wrong. What should I do next? I can't seem
to get a MD to make any connections between the weird symptoms I
have had. I really never saw a Dr. until 3 years ago. HELP ME PLEASE!!
Thanks bunches for any and all advice!
Diane beadturtle38835.4910648148I would ask to be sent to rheumatologists they might be able to connect the dots a little better. The doctor said is osteoarthritis and not rhuematoid I would defianetly tell them that you what to see a rheumatologist for a second opinion. I haven't had any rashes. I do have swelling in my hands, feet, knees, shoulders, and elbows as well as osteopenia. I'm only 23 she had to do with the rhuematoid arthritis.  Hope this will help you a liitle bit. There are others that probably can help you much more than I can. They have alot more experience and knowledge than I do.Some of it sounds like RA, for sure - the swelling in joints on both sides of your body, the swelling in hands, feet, & ankles, the "cramps" in feet, the response to steroids. All of that sounds like RA. And the medicines you are currently on won't do anything for RA.

The other things, I'm not so sure about. Other people have complained of rashes. But there is psoriatic arthritis. There are over 100 different forms of arthritis, and you can have more than one. I have osteo in the spine & RA for the other joints. Lots of people have had shingles (mostly in response to the stress of the disease). You definitely should be seen by at least one rheumatologist, and if that doesn't work, another one.

The problem is, once your system starts to crash, it's hard to figure out what is what.

RA is degenerative. You need to get it treated, if you have it. Good luck! You've had quite a time of it, haven't you? Keep us posted.
schedule an appointment with the last GP I saw and ask for a
referral. It would sure be nice to have some answers and the proper
treatment. I am a little afraid to find out for sure what I feel I already
know is not osteo. I am praying that I will find a good doctor who
will listen and take me seriously.


I will bet my last dollar on pa I am a sufferer from both pa and psoriasis and it sounds alot like pa.  Pa has many symptoms just like ra but the rashes are like pa.  Pa affects, the hands, feet, especially in the toes, neck, and the spine.  Please get your dr to send you to an rd.  I suffered for  over 4yrs before my drs threw up their arms and sent me to an rd.  The rd knew immediately what was wrong.  As he explained to me dr do not recognise all  the different types of arthritis.

Please talk to your dr about going to an rd and let us know what happens.    meme

meme Wow. I would also make sure you go see a specialist. The will order some blood tests that can help in getting to the bottom of this. Wish I could help you more. I know the frustration you are going through though. Hang in there.

That's a lot to go through, much more than you deserve. Good luck!

Ditto from me. Get a referral to a rheumatologist. You can have both OA and RA. I do. And it does sound like you might have PA. There are over 100 kinds of arthritis and you need a specialist to sort it out. Most gps just don't know.Hi all! Just an update.
I have an appointment with the GP so that I can get a referral for a Rheumatologist. It is so wonderful to read all the threads and see that I am not alone at all.

If I could get some understanding from my guy, Joe, it would be nice. He told me yesterday that I was even more negative than usual. I really thought that I was dealing with things pretty well. I didn't even realize I was usually negative. I guess the only people who understand are the people who share the same pain and how it wears on you every day.

I guess I really didn't feel I had to pretend around Joe. I guess I will stay home and deal with it on my own and not complicate his life or put burdens on him. I can't stand another thing to worry about.


Just because someone, even someone very close to you, doesn't get it should mean that you just have to suffer in silence. This is his character flaw, not yours. Your description of all that you have gone through is even to warrant his compassion. But sometimes you can't get that no matter how you try.

Don't bottle up that need inside yourself. If he can't or won't meet it, keep coming here and find support from friends and loved ones who do get it. Some will never get it until it happens to them.

My first husband was very cruel about female problems when we were married, treating divorce after the doctor told me I needed another surgery. Now, he thinks I am very brave to go to work every day with all the illness and pain. Of course, he still wouldn't say this to my face. But he told the kids and they told me. He understands more because he is in a lot of daily pain now. I am sorry to see that it took that to help him understand.

The point is, don't beat yourself up for your husband not understanding. You take care of yourself, and him second. He may throw a tantrum, say some bad things, but he'll probably get over it. Whatever he does, it isn't going to change the fact that you are sick. You have to deal with it. So does he.

I know it really hurts though. And, shutting him out is fine so that you don't get more stressed. Just don't abandon your need for understanding.

Hi Diane:  Yeah, our symptoms are almost exactly the same.  I'm dealing with RA and PA and like someone else said it's a double whammy.  So far I have only a reddish area on one elbow.  I haven't developed plaques and only have a rash occasionally.  I've been attributing the rash to Mtx but it could be the PA.  PA was definitely diagnosed by xray of my fingers and elbows.  Hopefully the rheumy will have some answers for you.  It may not happen on the first visit and you may come out of that visit more confused than ever but it will all fall into place eventually.  Don't lose hope. 

One of the ways I educated my spouse was by leaving him articles to read  and finding sites on the internet that explained arthritis and it's impact on families, etc. The newest issue of Arthritis Magazine has an excellent article about the effects on the spouse.  Stan has been wonderful and helpful to a fault.  He's seen the downward sprial and been there with me.   Did Joe know you before all of the symptoms started?  You may have to educate him and I hope that he'll be receptive.  If not, then you do have some real problems.  All of your energy will be spent on getting some relief and making peace with this disease. There's very little energy left over. Take care and keep us posted.  


Hi---I am glad to see that you are going to a RD. Dont get discouraged if you dont get an answer either...just get a different doctor. Unfortunatly it seems that alot of people have to hunt for a doctor that will be quick about making a dx. I hope that is not the case for you. I can totally relate to the guys not getting it. My husband isnt mean about it or anything, but he has pleanty of room for  improvement.  It has taken a certain level of persistance on my part. Hang in there...I think I say that alot, but it is all we can do!I think that all husband have room for improvement when it comes to understanding women in general. They need some sensitivity classes or something to that degree.Thanks so much to everyone for the advice and encouragement. It means so much to have people to talk to who have been through all of this and more. Joe and I dated for about a year before the real pain began. He is a really great guy. I guess eventually he will understand. I guess with this new support I have here on the boards, I am not quite as lost or alone.

Yesterday I went back to the GP and asked for a RD referral. He says that there are only four in our area, and they have strict rules for referral, but he will try. He claims that blood work has to be abnormal in some way to get in. They could not find my lab results from last year, and so they were repeated. He said that was the first step. He said he would diagnose me with polymyalgia rheumatica or fibromyalgia depending on the results. I know that I don't have these conditions, as I am sure he does. Do you think that is a way for him to get me in to see an RD?

I hope that something will get a referral for me. I am getting more and more frustrated with doctors in general.

Thanks so much to all of you for being here to talk to.
Diane - bloodwork is not the definitive test of RA. By the time it's showing up in your blood (if it ever does), if you're sero-negative, damage will have been done. To tell you there are only 4 rheumatologists is not a good answer. You need to be seen and diagnosed. If he can't do it, find someone who can. Really!!!
Diane,  Sounds like you have an HMO - GRRRRRRRRRR.  They would rather you NOT have RA or PA as both diseases are VERY expensive.  I would recommend you trying to see a rheumotologist on your own and getting a diagnosis.  I have seen this over and over again with the HMO system.  Best of luck and this is a great place for support as you have learned.  Welcome - Rox
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