Diagnosis today | Arthritis Information


The diagnosis is.. there is no diagnosis - as of yet anyway.  I have all the signs/symptoms of RA, however, she's rather perplexed at the fact that I am only stiff in the am and that the pain comes as the day goes on....  I am not sure if I communicated that correctly to her, but I can definetely tell when I've overdone the stairs or walking.  Friday I am having a bonescan so she can see the inflamation, we'll chat in a week and most likely I will be put on Methotrexate.

From the sounds of these posts - sounds like alot of you have pain after activity????



I'm stiff in the morning and have pain as the day goes on...especially depending on what I did that day.  Also,  I can get pain out of the blue for nothing...just pops up. Totally unpredictable.

Well, let's hope you get some answers next week when you see her again

RA is so tricky! I was first diagn, with it when my titer on my blood work came back positive, but a month later the titer was negative, so my doc said it was sero negative arthritis.  I have alot of pain in the am, but almost none in the pm, kinda like i "warm up", but the next am, BAM! its back again. Hang in there!


I agree with the pain. Sometimes I take a nap on the weekends feeling just a little tired and wake up in terrible pain.

Don't give up on the diagnosis. I had five different doctors tell me that they didn't know what was wrong with me. My primary said that he thought it was woman's emotional problem. The big chicken even included his partners in the "diagnosis." These guys nearly killed me with their attitude.

It was a visit from the RA in the hospital at the request of my Cardiologist that got me on the right track. You cannot believe how relieved I was when he said, "I think I know what is wrong with you." It was still a long time before RA became a firm diagnosis. But he started treating right away. One word of caution that I did not realize at first. You need to make it very clear about your pain and symptoms. I didn't squeak up soon enough and it hurt me in getting treatment fast enough.

If one doctor is not responsive, find one who is. This one sounds a little confused about the symptoms.

What kinds of test have they done besides blood work. Blood work not always the answer. When I was little I went in once a week for blood work they could never figure out why some times the RF was positive and sometimes it was negative. That was along time ago though. So know they have the MRI that show the bone erosion earlier than the x-rays so many things have changed. I hope your doctor will figure it out soon and get you some relief.Most days my pain comes and goes but as the day goes on and I do more and get more tired the pain and stiffness gets worse.  Keep us posted on the bone scan.  Hugs and good vibes.   

I get pain and stiffness in the morning and usually gets worse with activity. Some days I feel "normal" then the next I can barely move. Hopefully you'll get some answers from your next appt. Keep us posted!!!

I often have stiffness in the morning but not usually pain. The pain comes later. Sometimes all it takes is for me to get up and take a shower and then my feet really hurt. Other times it is hours or not at all for pain. There are times when I thought that what I was doing was reallly gonna hurt later and it didnt...other times I hurt and have had minimal activity. So far, the RA seems to just go on and do its own thing regardless of what I am doing.
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