Pain Management | Arthritis Information


Has anyone gone to a pain specialist? If so what happened and did it work? Sorry have'nt done that yet.Cynthia,
Yes i go to pain managment doc. he is great and has helped w/some of my pain. At the beginning he injected my back and solved a lot of my hip and knee problems. After a few times though it would not last as long. Now it helps sometimes but it is like the luck of the draw. But I would recommend as some help is better than no relief at all.
LandaCan i ask you what he injected you with and was it painful?If my gp quits giving me pain meds, first thing I am going to do is go to pain management.  I cannot cope with this pain.  As soon as I am not so exhausted from work, I am trying acupunture.  I will let you know how that works.  I AM SO SICK OF BEING IN PAIN

However, if you can get the pain under control, you can have much better results with physical therapy. That also seems to vary immensely in quality.

If they listen you carefully and are responsive to what you say, that's a good sign. The down side with pain specialist is the medicines are really strong. My daughter is on morphine and oxycotin. These are serious meds and some really drug you up and carrying the possiblity of addiction. They also have patches that don't interfere with your concentration. She would not want to live without hers.

But it is extremely important to find a responsible one that will work with with other doctors.

My sister went to one for her pain due to liver disease.  Tehy tried a few things and now has her on a pain pump to evenly deliver her pain meds.  Since it goes in at the spinal canal, she only needs 1/25th of what she was using.  And they can schedule the amount delivered so she gets more late in the day when it's worse.  She loves it.  Good luck.  SusanMy sister has been in chronic pain for the 4
neck-surgeries she is having. she is going to a pain
mgt. doctor next week. they mentioned something
about a pain pump too. Good to hear the good
reports. I'll share them with her.Before I had been diagnosed, I had considered the idea of a pain managment doctor. Only because I felt that if I didnt have RA or some other expainable condition, I would have to do something. I think that for anyone who is having pain that is not managed with the typical pain meds, or who is having pain that is not being addressed by their regular doctor, a pain specialist could offer some new options. The question that is on my mind though is when we are having severe RA related pain, what toll is being taken by our joints? The pain absolutely needs to be addressed, but so does the cause.  I think that pain managment doctors and physical therapists are just like RD' have good ones and bad ones. And I agree that how much they listen and how receptive they are to the patients individual needs are good measures of the quality of the care they will provide.