Okay, I admit it, Im scared....again... | Arthritis Information


 Well, next week is my Dr. appt. with my new RA doc. I was Diagn. 2 years ago, and ended up firing my doc in Nov. 2005. When I was first told that I had RA, i went through this grieving thing, you know, the please dont let me have this, what did i do, im so mad about this i could spit.... but i got through it, like everyone does, but now, i have to go in and face my monster again, and I thought I was going to have this I kick a@# attitude about it, but the appt is next week, and i feel just as freaked out as i did 2 years ago...its not like I dont know what he's going to tell me, I dont know what the heck is wrong with me...Im a very physically active person, Im scared that the new meds. are going to make me gain so much weight that Im going to lose mobility, is that retarted or what?!? Does anyone have anything encouraging to say?...please...I feel like such a dork..I know that I have Ra!!!! thats the dorky thing about it...(LOL)...

Why was the plaquenil stopped?

The office manager and doctor and myself didnt see eye to eye on ANYTHING! so when i got fed up with the wishy-washy crap (pardon my french) and told them i was no longer going to see that practice, the doctor stopped all RX for the plaq.,  I do mean the prednisone, my mom was on it for another reason, and gained about 40lbs., im very short, and if i gain weight i feel horrible, Im also terrified about losing my hair (MTX), I feel like such a spas, i know i should be greatful for any help......(sigh)There are other meds DC.  Keep an open mind.  You have to try to stop the progression but meds are getting better and better and YOU DO  have say so in your treatment.  Good luck.  Thank you roxy , Im trying to keep an open mind and a full heart! I am so greatful for this site!

As far as the mtx and hair loss goes, I wouldn't worry about that too much.  I've been on mtx (25mg)  for about 14 years and my hair is fine.  Never has anyone said anything about it looking different...if they have, it hasn't been to my face


Thank you Kelstev, i know that the mtx is an option, and hearing that makes me feel better! I just wish (as does everyone else) that some med. would come out and we could have discussions about how bad the RA WAS! (not is), but until then I will listen to all that everyone says, and not get to jaded about any one med (all though that could happen), Im also disappointed in myself that Im freaking out so much! Ill get over it though Im sure!(next week to be exact)

Besides, not everyone has RA to the same degree. Some people have very mild cases and remission is always a possibility. Every day they are finding better medications. There is a lot of hope for our future.

I wouldn't worry to much about the methotrexate and your hair. That scared me, too. But I didn't lose any hair. It got curly though. But I don't know which medication to blame that one on. I kind of like that. The dosage of the mtx is pretty low even though it is used in cancer treatment. Take the folic acid with it. You'll probably be on a low enough dose that it won't hurt your hair.

I'm short too.  But here's a laugh for you and all the discussions about self-image. Younger men have always been attracted to me. They have the bane of my existence. I'm almost 49 and the guy upstairs from me, age 30, had the hots for me. So, even round and sick, you still have to beat them off with a stick. He said there was something really sexy about me and couldn't understand my lack of confidence. He wanted to put my picture up with these very gorgeous girl friends of his on myspace.com. Not on your life! Frankly, I though he was a little weird.

Determination will get you through all this. It is hard. Hope your appointment goes well and you feel better soon.

Hi Desertchild:  Piiiiiiile on the drugs.....if they allow me to walk and participate in life then the side effects are worth it.  I'm 60 years old and I don't want to miss another day  because I was afraid to start the drugs.  I don't have to like the weight gain with Pred., or the extreme fatigue that comes with Mzt, or the unknown effects on your heart of Celebrex but these drugs have allowed me to function. Once again give me the drugs so I CAN LIVE LIFE TO IT'S FULLEST.  I assume that you're young and your response to the drugs might be better than mine with less side effects.  At least try what your rheumy recommends and let us know what you're taking and how you're responding. 


I will defin. keep everyone posted on what the doc prescibes, who knows, there might be another "desertchild" who needs the same advice as I am looking for now!


Well, what else would a desertchild be but a hottie! As my girlfriends tell me all the time, "You go girl!"You're so right Linda


I agree you need to try some new meds, probably more than one. They keep adding things until they get the inflamation under control. I've been on MTX with some hair thinning but I'm the only one who notices. I've been on Prednisone for a year and a half and gained maybe 3-4 pounds. You'll have to exercise more , reduce your salt, and eat sensibly but it's better than ending up with deformaties which is the alternative.You all crack me up. You defianetly know how to change a persons day around. I think everyone is scared of all the pills at first but I would rather me on pills then to be sufering all day every day.
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