Question: Does anybody shake? | Arthritis Information


Sometimes when I am either exhausted or having a flare, my hands and arms shake. Does anybody else have this happen? It's like the trigger finger thing, but it affects my hands.

Yes I get sometimes ,I think its from stress .with mine I can keep time with it

My body jerks from toes to head, i find that i click the mouse when i don't, type letters i don't want to, hit things etc.

I know sometimes when i have a lot of pain i shake from it hurting so much.

Yes I do, it is like a spasm type thing. I figured it was from the RA;damaging nerve endings. It is mostly in my neck and arms at this point.

Probably something we all need to get checked out....geesh, that is yet another specialist....right?

I do shake, sometimes. Hands & feet - and sometimes all over. For me, it's physical stress - so if I walk a mile or more, going out is good, but by the time I head home, I start to shake. Sometimes the shakes are internal and my whole body, and I figure they're a reaction to the medicine, because they're new.  I was diagnosed last year with Essential Tremor by my neurologist. This year when I was diagnosed with RA, both my neurologist and RD are now saying that the tremor could be caused from from the RA. They said that we will know the tremor is from the RA if once the RA drugs start working, my tremor gets better.
I'll let you know.
I've been on the drugs for 1 month yet and so far no change. So, we'll see.

  My hands shake quite often. And I mean a whole lotta shakin' goin' on. usually when i have overworked myself and sometimes in the morning.

I don't shake that much, but I find I drop a lot of things. Cups, my pen, or anything I am carrying in my hands at the time. I could be carrying my cup from the kitchen table to the sink, and somehow it slips and falls to the floor. I have lost a lot of dishes because of it.