off the enbrel and methetrexate again due | Arthritis Information


Well, I have another infection, probably diverticulosis or a virus of some sort.  Had a low grade fever, extreme exhaustion, stomach and bowel problems with no diarhea. This is the 4th time since starting enbrel I've had to go off for one infection or another. Tomorrow I meet with a non-union lawyer to get another opinion about my disability situation at work.  I have to give them the word about whether I will accept the reduced workload job and be moved to any school of their choosing. It will definitely not be the school I am teaching at currently. The union wants me to leave out some of the requests for accomodations that doctors have written and shorten the list so that I can do all parts of the teaching job. I'm sure the stress is affecting me physically. Does anyone have diverticulitis with ra?  I think you have to have diarhea with irritable bowel syndrome and I don't.,

I don't but my mom just has diverticlitis. She only eats certain foods other than that she doesn't have any problems with it. Good luck I hope everything goes great at your meeting.

Linda, I'm so sorry to hear all this stress is taking it's toll on you!  I know it does me as well.  Be frank and open with the lawyer, and just go from there.  You will make the right decision for you in the end.  I also read about your daughter, and am very glad to hear she is doing well now! That in and of itself has to be stressful!  Have you ever done any biofeedback for the stress or just relaxing?  I do find it very useful at times... Just the other day, Monday, I had two drs. appts, first was an Upper GI, to check the damage the Ibuprofen may have caused. Second was an OB/Gyn appt, where he did an unplanned Endometrial Biopsy, simply put a small DnC, to check for uterine cancer.  Now that was a trip!!  I resorted to the lamaze techniques and carried myself away mentally with biofeedback to another place and the dr was amazed at how well I did through the procedure!  It takes practice, but it definitely helps to relax the whole body, including the brain!!  Keep me posted on your appt with the lawyer!!  *hugs*  T I am so sorry for what is going on Linda the stress has got to be just terrible.   Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you.  meme

 I met with a wonderful lawyer who specializes in educational law and disabilities. She said that the advice I got from the union and union lawyer only concern the school contract.  They really don't get involved in ADA issues.  The school has to make reasonable accommodations if it does not cost them too much and if it would not involve undue hardship. I have to be able to perform the core part of the job but accommodations could be made for the adjunct duty part and for inlieus. Most schools will accommodate you with your own doctor's note at the site without going through the district office.Here's the catch. They can have me seen by their doctor and if he/she deems me unfit for service they can release me.  I could counter them with a private lawyer and I have grounds but it would be expensive and do I then want to continue in a school that treats me so badly?

I decided to accept the reduced workload program for next year and not push the disability aspect.She said to see how it goes at a new school .On half time I might not need any.  If I need them later, deal with the administration at the local site and state the accommodations inas simple and concise way as possible. She said I I need to get information and help on accommodations to go through the dept of fair housing rather than ADA. Since sending the letter, I've heard that the school that wanted me half time now wants a full time person because their numbers are up.  It is going to be a stressful last minute assignment. At worst, if no half time positions turn up I guess I stay at my school and try to work it out with full time.

I hate to see you going through so much stress---I am glad that you have at least been able to get some resolution to your issues at work. Hopefully you will get some rest over the summer break.