MTX and menstrual cycles | Arthritis Information


Two weeks ago I had my period.  Last night it started again.  I'm a bit worried about that and was wondering if this is normal since I'm 44 and have been missing a few periods here and there for the last 2 years.  The last few months have been regular though.  Could it have anything to do with the mtx?  Although I've been on mtx for a very long time without it doing anything to my periods before.  I've been keeping track of everything and will see what happens next month and will ask my doctor about it if it happens again.  Just wanted to see if anyone else has had this happen.

My periods are irregular anyway.  But my doctor was telling me that since the Disease we have is Auto-Immune it affects everything.  But she also told me that the MTX can and will cause your periods to be even more off.

Last week...was an example of that.  my periods are normally very heavy.  This time is was like a spotting...and it was for over 1 1/2.

this is not like me.  sometimes i have a period and sometimes it is nothing.

But the MTX can affect your periods.

Thanks for the info willwin

Kelly the year before my periods stopped all together I went through a spell where it was every two weeks. They were very irregular for a year before they told me I was in menopause.

I'm 35 and haven't had a period at all in two years. They say it could be the MTX that caused it....or the RA itself.

Any other menopause symptoms? Your OB can check your hormone levels and tell you if that's what it is.

Thanks for replying Lovie...I was hoping you'd see this post since I remember you saying you had gone through menopause early. 

Last year I missed three months in a row, then they went back to being normal...but had some spotting in between.  Usually around 2 weeks after my period is when the spotting starts.

So like I said in my first post, my period started again yesterday, but today, it's pretty much gone.

I guess the best thing to do is to ask my doctor.  I'll see how next months goes then give him a call.


Prednisone also causes missed periods.  I don't know if you spent any significant time on that, but it could be contributing.  Let us know what they told you.  Missed ones would be welcome here, not EXTRA! 

I was on prednisone for about 3 years, but haven't been on it for over 10 years.

Thanks, and I agree with you about not wanting extra.

They are going back to normal now lol.  When i was a teen my periods were like this, 4 days long and came about every 18-20 days.

The year before mine stopped all together it was so unpredictable. I hated that!! I was like clock work before that thanks to BCP. 10 years on those might have affected things too. I don't know.

Are you on the injectable MTX or the tablets. I just started the tablets and this period is extremely heavy. I didn't think about the meds causing it. I am taking the tabets once a week and have only had two weeks worth so I don't think it could be that already could it?

I'm on tablets but I've been on them for about 14 years and haven't had a problem before.   

Not sure about your heavy periods since being on mtx...what I'd do though is keep track of it and if it continues mention it to your doctor

actually - when i took mtx in pill form - i missed months at a time.  wasn't regular for years.

i switched to the injectable - and i'm regular as clockwork.  go figure.

i know that mtx can mess with your cycles........
