How many can work the day after MTX? | Arthritis Information


I am having a real hard time working the day after MTX Injections.  I am so tired and weak...I thought I was going to pass out...I really do mean like fainting. 

I have been so foggy in the head.  I have done nothing today...and I feel really dizzy.  My head hurts after I take the injections like crazy.  I have to take Tylonel to make the pain in my head go away.  My nausea meds have worn off and I had to eat something so I wouldn't get sicker. 

I sat here and felt like breaking down and crying. 

I am at a loss...Do any of you work after taking your MTX and how are you symptoms after taking it?

P.S.  I take it at night to sleep of the side effects...BUT...I am still having weakness, some nausea and a swimming head!

Roblyn the swimmy headed!

willwin238834.5232175926I know how you I have to take my medicine so that my husband is home the next two days to watch the children. I don't work but I have two babies which are a lot of work. I also take the mtx at night and I am extremely tired the next day I have nausea and horrible headaches that last a couple of days. I couldn't do it without my husbands help. Sorry I can't help you. I would call and talk with your doctor. I go to the doctor in a Week so I will talk to her then.

I don't have any of those symptoms with my mtx, but I wanted to suggest you talk with your doctor about that.  Seems like the mtx is really hard on you. 

Good luck with that

Oh do talk to your doctor. Are you taking the shots or the pills?

I was on the shots and they were making me ill for days at a time. Now I am on the pills and I can handle them. I do however take them at bed time because they make me so tired.

Biggggggg Cyber Huggggggg to you

I take the pills - I've taken 3 doses so far, and so far so good. I might feel a little different, and a little tired, but not a lot. It's not  bad. Sounds like you do need to change something. I took my first shot this week on Monday evening because I have Tuesdays off and wasn't sure how I would react to it.  Other than being utterly exhausted the next day and sleeping through most of it, that's the only side effect I had.  Now I know that I can't work the day after.  I won't take it on the weekend because Sundays are the only day my husband and I have to spend together.  I posted last week asking what to expect and everyone advised on alot of carbs, water and folic acid.  Did the trick for me!!  I would talk to you doctor and see what they advise.Hi There:  I take Mtx about 2 hours before I go to bed and hopefully sleep for 7 hours or so.  Most of the exhaustion is gone the next day but I make sure that it's an easy day and nap I've been taking the mtx (8 pills/week) for about 7
months. What works best for me is to take it on
friday evening since I don't work on the weekend. I
usually sleep/rest most of the day on saturday and
am feeling almost back to normal on Monday. It's
the only way I have been able to do it.   

The times I've had to get off my normal schedule and have taken my MTX on Sunday and then returned to work on Monday was horrible. It's best if I can count on resting the day after.

Can you take it the first night of the weekend for you?  So you are better the next work day?

I don't get this, but it takes a while for the pain to go away or for the mtx to start working.

I have recently had to increase the dose of injectable mtx from the equivalent of 7.5mg to 12.5mg and the tiredness is more of a bother. I am able to go to work or function the next day BUT the main complaint I have is what it does to my mood. I get totally morose and silent and moody for up to 2 days after the shot. It got so bad this past week I called my doctor and said I can't take the new dose. It just isn't worth it and he agreed. Said there was no point in treating one problem(RA) if the treatment resulted in another problem. He sees the whole person and for that I'm grateful. So I'm back down to the lower dose which I find is OK and we'll see what happens from there.

I have researched moodiness as a side effect of mtx and it is listed but rarely commented on.

Every time I've increased I've gone through a spell where it was much worse. After a while you get use to the increase and it's not nearly as bad.

I'm sorry.  

I always take it on my first day off....but I have never had that problem... but I tolerate it pretty well, and have been taking it for over 6 years.   Now, I'm on the injections, and it's like nothing... dont have any side effects at all.

but - god-forbid i stop taking it... OMG - I feel it then!!!!


So far, it has been a great drug choice. But...I am only taking .03 ml so that may make a difference as the doc said I am on the lowest dose that can be considered theraputic.



Leslie13138835.8277546296Does anyone know what that is equivelant to in mg? Just wondering.

I was taking 8 pills a week (2.5 mg = 20 mg) and when I started taking shots, I took .8 ml.   The #8 on the syringe.  

When I upped it to 10, my doc said we were upping to ten pills a week. 25 mg.=the #1 on the syringe = 1 ml.

So if you take 6 pills a week, it would make sense that you would take .6 ml.  Right??

OMG - you can DRINK the injections??   WOW - how's that taste? LOL



pxh- my inject. MTX comes in 25mg/ml  so that is 12.5 mg/0.5 ml  and 7.5mg/0.3ml

Woobie- each 0.1ml/2.5mg is = to 1 pill/2.5mg right? If that is true then:

2 pills or 0.2ml = 5mg

3 pills or 0.3ml = 7.5mg

4 pills or 0.4ml = 10mg

5 pills or 0.5ml = 12.5mg

6 pills or 0.6ml = 15mg

7 pills or 0.7ml = 17.5mg

8 pills or 0.8ml = 20mg

9 pills or 0.9ml = 22.5mg

10 pills or 1.0ml = 25mg



I am now up to 20 mg -- 8 pills a week.  I have been really fortunate to have no side effects so far with the pill.  I feel the same as always, but have been improving with my RA symptoms weekly. I started on the pills and that did not go well at all. NAUSEA, HEADACHE, EXAUSTION, ETC. for about 3 1/2 days! My RD switched me to the injections and I took my second injection last night. I have all of the same side effets, but the nausea is not quite is bad, in that I can at least get down toast. Headache, exaustion and fatigue are every bit as bad, however, the injections are much more tollerable in that the side effects are lasting just over 1 day as opposed to over 3 days! I have now been on MTX for 6 weeks and there is no difference in my RA, but I am still on an extremely low dose. My RD said that said that being I have not tollerated it very well, that we are going to up the dose very slowly. So, hopefull it will start helping pretty soon.

I hope you and your RD can come up with a solution for your side effects. Hang in there - I know that's easier said than done.


How much mtx are you on. I started at 10mg. I too get headaches, nausea, and fatigue.

wow - i guess i'm lucky.

i never get any sides from it.   never have.  I've been as high as 25 mg a week.   Never affected me negatively at all.

and i know it's working, because i tried to stop taking it once.  
ONCE.. will never do that again.


I just wish everyone could tolerate it ........ it just sucks.

