RA symptoms - chest pain? | Arthritis Information


Hi Everyone,

I've been having some chest pains for awhile now...not all the time, but every so often, there is a sharp needle like pain that is so quick I almost miss it. I've mentioned it to my doctor, but he says its common in RA. I'm only in my 20s so he says its unlikely its anything else. Does anyone else have sudden chest pains?

Something else I've also noticed is that sometimes my muscles feel very sore and tender to the touch, particularly my thigh muscles. I am taking methotrexate and cyclosporin so i don't know if that is a side effect, or if it is RA? I have asked my rheumy, but after some bloodwork, it is still unclear what it is.

I have had that. When I was in my flare a few weeks ago, I had some shooting chest pains. It scared me because I didn't know about the RA... I thought I was swelling and feeling bad because of my heart of kidneys.

The muscle pain is also something I was wondering about the other day. Every time I sit, no matter how long, when I get up I am so stiff... and the muscles in my thighs are so sore. Then, when I walk around a bit, it all goes away. I was wondering about it because I don't have any trouble with my hips (knock on wood). I thought it was strange, but maybe it is just another symptom?


I get horrible chest pains. Dr. says it is costrochondritis(spelling?)
Anyway, it's inflammation where the ribs/collarbones hit the sternum.
When mine is visiblly inflammed he gives me cortisone shots in the area
to help out.

I hope that yours-if it is this-goes away quickly. I have had this for a few
years. I love my son but I can't wait for the day that he can climb in and
out of his own car seat!


Becky's right. It's more than likely inflammation in those breast bones and cortisone or a slight increase in your MTX will take care of it pretty quick. I have this problem too and it scared the crap out of me at first. Changing from 22.5mg of MTX to 25mg has held it off for the most part. You might want to mention that option. This is the second time I've increased my MTX due to this problem so I don't know how long it will keep it at bay.

BUT: Don't let any doctor ever tell you that you are too young for any kind of heart trouble. Even someone in their 20ties can have heart problems....and someone with RA needs to take concerns such as these a little more serious than your average twenty something. Chances are it's just inflammation.....but if your RD doesn't do something to help seek another opinion. If it is inflamation they should be able to help that.

My ex-husband had a massive heart attach out of the blue at 37.

I have the chest pains. It has put me in the hospital more than once. I definitely have the costochronditis. They told me that the prednisone makes the breast bone detoriate. My rib cage is also affected.

However, and this is very important. Chest pain in RA can be very serious and if you are having severe pain go straight to the ER. Here's the problem, neither a RD or a Cardiologist can tell you if it is simply costochronditis or something much more serious like pericarditis which is inflammation of the heart. The only way to rule that is to have an echo cardiogram done. If you have never had one done, I would call your RD and ask for a referral to a Cardiologist right away. If you are presently feeling intense chest pain and you are afraid are having trouble breathing, etc. just go to the ER. Be sure to mention that you have RA. They will take it much more seriously then.

I have had pericarditis twice now and thought I was getting again a few months ago. It turned out that bronchitis, one of the potential side affects of taking Enbrel, had inflamed my chest cavity. Your rib cage can be so fragile that even coughing can really irritate it. And yes, it felt like a heart attack.

If you are on Enbrel and suspect an infection, you need call your doctor right away because they are probably going to pull you off of it until the infection clears. Infections can get out of hand very quickly on Enbrel and any of the biologics.

I asked my doctor how do I know then when to worry or not. He told me, and maybe this applies to my individual case, that if I have just gone through the heart tests (and they did stress tests, echo, etc.), then I probably don't need to worry. But if it has been even as much as two years, I need to have it checked again.

We don't think of this disease as affecting our internal organs. But it can hit the heart and lungs. In both cases the sac surrounding can become inflamed. Also, in the heart, the arteries can harden more quickly than in a healthy person. In the lungs, you can have scarring.

The best advice, follow your instincts. If your gut is telling you need a trip to the ER, then go. It has saved my life. If you don't feel that is that severe, then I do suggest you still get it checked.

One of the ways I can tell I'm in real trouble is if I feel generally flared. But if you are really worried, please push this with your doctor.

I feel for anyone who has to lift all the time. OUCH!!!

Oh, on the muscle pain, I get that too. But then I have FM so when my joints dont' hurt, those darn muscles do. Sometimes they agree on doing it together. Highly frustrating.

Best remedy is to do exactly what you said, get up and move and change positions.

Low impact, range of motion exercises are definitely helpful with that because you are strengthening your muscles and putting less stress on your bones and joints. Somehow the exercise also helps the FM. I believe that is because you are releasing endorphines (sp?).

If it's your hip, you are going to know it. That is very painful.

Yeah I am considering pursuing this further with my doctor. Just for peace of mind! But sometimes I feel like a hyperchondriac (Spelling?) because both myself and my family now get worried over everything!

WIth regards to exercise, would pilates be too much strain on joints?
Thank you Deanna for your good advice about the potential problems associated with chest pain. We have had a few good threads on this very same topic and it is always important to remember that anything is possible. It doesnt hurt to have some tests done and if you do test neg. for any heart problems, then you will have those for baseline. It is a good idea to have a baseline EKG before you turn 30 and if you are well past that, then anytime is a good time.


Those quick stabbing pains may be premature ventricular contractions, which is a fancy name for an extra heart beat.  I've them for 30 years, so it's not anything serious--only a cardiologist can figure it out though--you'll have to wear a tape recorder on your chest for 24 hours since an EKG usually won't catch them.  Whatever it is, get to the bottom of it.  Good luck---Gracie!

I presented to the ER on 3/2/06 with mid chest pressure, slight pain on inhaling and shortness of breath.  I was admitted and every cardiac test they could think of was done and all was neg.  I had chest pain from the RA, ribs and sternum were involved.  I felt a little foolish about spending 3 days in the hospital but my internist and PD are very careful with me.  Have damage to lungs due to RA and we want to keep my heart in good shape.  If you haven't seen one by now get a referral to a cardiologist. 
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