New in Ohio | Arthritis Information


Hi, I have been suffering symptoms of RA for about 2 years now, but finally am covered with insurance, so I decided to take action. Now I'm afraid I've waited and done alot of permenant damage. I'm trying not to beat myself up over it though. My Rheumatoid factor came back at 95, which I was told was a little high, but I have nothing to base it on at all. I'm still waiting for my lupus test, I really hope it comes back today. I'll be making an appointment with a RA doctor today, my regular doc said this is as far as she can go...
I have noticed some things that bother my other than certain joints (my main joints that hurt are my ankles, shoulders, knees and hands) but I have a real bad skin rash on both arms, mainly the bicep area and it's been there for as long as the symptoms. It's not itchy, it just looks bad. Does anyone else have that?
I'm also looking to connect with people...I'm 31 years old, and I have 3 boys, my baby is turning 5 months old tomorrow. Taking care of him has been a challenge, I have been feeling really bad for the last few months...SO TIRED!!! Of course that could be from the 2 am and 5 am feedings!!

I'm looking forward to hearing from some people!! I feel kind of isolated, I went to the YMCA and the group of arthritis people there were all much much older and didn't make me feel very welcome...I think they liked their little group the way it was, but I'm also a little shy so who knows?!? LOL!


Hi Aron,

Welcome to the site, I am new here also just joined a few days ago.

I was here 4 yrs ago when I was first dx but I could not click with anyone here so I just left, I am hoping to have better luck this time. The site is wonderful and there are so many topics that you are sure to find things that will help you out greatly. I mostly read the posts now. Welcome again  Pat